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File metadata and controls

247 lines (189 loc) · 6.87 KB

Coding Conventions


The resulting UI needs to be accessible.

  • Use semantic HTML where possible
  • Adhere to accessibility standards, as explained in


Use Standard Style

For consistency across all JavaScript files we use **standard **.


  • Go to Preferences | Editor | Code style | JavaScript
  • Click Set from...
  • Select JavaScript Standard Style


We use 2 spaces for one tab, per indentation.


  • Go to Editor > Code Style > JavaScript > Tabs and Indents
  • Set all three fields to 2

When to create new files

  • Avoid creating new files, when not necessary
  • Create new files for jsx components which you want to reuse
  • Don't create new files for another single use component of your layout code
  • Create new files in their appropriate folder (look at the folder structure)



  • Use const foo = () => .. instead of function foo() {} for everything
    • Prefer directly returning your result, over const foo = () => { ... return ... }
  • Use _ (underscores) instead of camel case for functions
  • Use CamelCase for JSX components (to be discussed)
  • Use class="foo bar" instead of className={}
  • Use a when changing the state of the web apps aka. changing the route
  • Use button when changing the state of the data aka. communicating with the back-end
  • Never place a onClick on a div or similar without reason (use button instead)
  • Define values in groups:
  foo = 1,
  bar = 2

Using the Operaton API

Please have a look at Using the API for detailed information.


View Component

API call:

const Instances = () => {
    state = useContext(AppState),
    { params } = useRoute()

  // call the api, access its result in a child component
  void api.get_process_instances(state, params.definition_id)

  // use the conditional (ternary) operator inside JSX code blocks
  return !params?.selection_id
    ? (<table class="fade-in">
          <th>Start Time</th>
          <th>Business Key</th>
        <InstanceTableRows />
    : (<InstanceDetails />)

Naming instead of comments:

const ProcessDiagram = () => {
    { process_definition_diagram } = useContext(AppState),
    { params } = useRoute(),
    // describe complex evaluations inside the scope of the function with a good name
    show_diagram =
      process_definition_diagram.value !== null &&
      params.definition_id !== undefined

  return <div id="preview" class="fade-in">
      ? <ReactBpmn
          onError={null} />
      : 'Select Process Definition'}


const CreateUserPage = () => {
    state = useContext(AppState),
    { user_create, user_create_response } = state

  const set_value = (k1, k2, v) => user_create.value[k1][k2] = v.currentTarget.value
  const set_p_value = (k, v) => set_value('profile', k, v)
  const set_c_value = (k, v) => set_value('credentials', k, v)

  const on_submit = e => {
    user_create_response.value = api.create_user(state)
    // e.currentTarget.reset(); // Clear the inputs to prepare for the next submission

  return <div>
    <h2>Create New User</h2>
    {(user_create_response.value !== undefined)
            ? user_create_response.value.success
                    ? <p class="success">Successfully created new user.</p>
                    : <p class="error">Error: {user_create_response.value?.message}</p> : null}
    <form onSubmit={on_submit}>
      <label for="user-id">User ID</label>
      <input id="user-id" type="text" onInput={(e) => set_p_value('id', e)} required />

      <label for="password1">Password</label>
      <input id="password1" type="password" onInput={(e) => set_c_value('password', e)} required />

      <label for="password2"> Password (repeated)</label>
      <input id="password2" type="password" onInput={(e) => set_c_value('password', e)} />

      <label for="first-name"> First Name</label>
      <input id="first-name" type="text" onInput={(e) => set_p_value('firstName', e)} required />

      <label for="last-name">Last Name</label>
      <input id="last-name" type="text" onInput={(e) => set_p_value('lastName', e)} required />

      <label for="email">Email</label>
      <input id="email" type="email" onInput={(e) => set_p_value('email', e)} required />

      <div class="button-group">
        <button type="submit">Create New User</button>
        <a href="/admin/users" class="button secondary">Cancel</a>


Each endpoint has an identical structure:

// api.js

export const get_process_definitions = (state) =>
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(json => state.process_definitions.value = json)
// state.js

const createAppState = () => {
  const server = signal(localStorage.getItem("server") || JSON.parse(import.meta.env.VITE_BACKEND)[0])
  const process_definitions = signal(null)
  // ...
  // add your new state signal here

  return {
    // ...
    // make your new state signal available
  • The JS name of the endpoint is always {method}_{endpoint_name}
  • Prepend the URL string by using the ${_url(state)} pattern. We need to fetch the selected server URL from the environment variable (config)
  • Always assign the result to a state value
  • Use the export keyword with the definition of your function, instead of exporting a map at the end. This is to prevent merge conflicts.
const url_params = (definition_id) =>
  new URLSearchParams({
    unfinished: true,
    sortBy: 'startTime',
    sortOrder: 'asc',
    processDefinitionId: definition_id,

export const get_process_instances = (state, definition_id) =>
    .then(response => response.json())
    .then(json => (state.process_instances.value = json))
  • In case you need params in your URL, use the URLSearchParams and keep it private (no export)
  • Place your params object before the corresponding endpoint function

Preact Specifics


  • Split code in multiple files
  • Prefer classless styling to classes
  • Prefer cascading styles with few additional classes instead of many single classes
  • Create reusable CSS, refactor when necessary