This is a project by Open Wichita and KMUW to better inform Wichita citizens on upcoming ballot issues.
Use rvm! The version and gemset should be
$ git clone
$ cd vote-wichita
$ gem install bundler && bundle
$ bundle exec rake db:migrate db:seed
$ bundle exec rails s
Then visit http://localhost:3000/admin and log in with '' and 'password'. Home page will be at http://localhost:3000.
Check out the Google Doc!
We are using rspec for tests in this application, along with a few other tools
- database_cleaner - Cleans the test db in between specs
- factory_girl - Best way to set up dynamic instances of models for tests
- annotate - Puts schema annotations for models at the top of relevant files
- faker - Generates fake values for common things in factories and otherwise
- guard - Watches files and auto-runs relevant tests.