When we develop the oVirt CSI driver its usually helpful to test it against a running cluster. The following doc explains how to do it.
- Ready OpenShift cluster running on oVirt and a user with admin permissions.
- Container registry (recommended quay) account which the OpenShift cluster can reach and pull from.
Note: For info about installing and launching a new cluster using oVirt check:
## Logic to container registry
$ podman login quay.io
$ podman build -t quay.io/${username}/ovirt-csi-driver:${tag} .
$ podman push quay.io/${username}/ovirt-csi-driver:${tag}
- ${username} - container registry username
- ${tag} - ovirt-csi-driver container image tag.
** In this example I used quay as my container registry, but you can use any registry as long as the cluster will be able to pull from it (easiest is to set it to public).
In the running cluster cluster-version-operator is responsible for maintaining functioning and non-altered elements.
In our case we need to be able to use a custom image, so we will need to disable the Cluster Version Operator that it will not detect that we changed the image and replace it back to the original image, the easiest way to do it is to scale down the Cluster Version Operator:
$ oc scale --replicas=0 deploy/cluster-version-operator -n openshift-cluster-version
This version disables the Cluster Version Operator and it is recommended for testing purposes only, once you are done with the test you should scale the operator back
The csi operator and driver are both managed by the storage operator, in order to replace the driver image you will need to make the storage operator to use the custom image you created.
To do so first edit the cluster-storage-operator deployment:
oc -n openshift-cluster-storage-operator edit deployment.apps/cluster-storage-operator
Then change the environment variable "OVIRT_DRIVER_IMAGE" (which is found under spec.template.spec.containers[0].env in the deployment yaml) to the with the pull (by digest) of your image.
For example:
## Change:
value: quay.io/openshift-release-dev/ocp-v4.0-art-dev@sha256:6833ab166bae5e85ea627db0083d9ec4978a5cc2d5d92a843e31a54116aaa2e7
## To:
value: quay.io/gzaidman/ovirt-csi-driver@sha256:2aeb0886fafca7b46981a8b2fe8490f1b534b3546a40d48b9ab094dd1287513e
This will cause the pods in the openshift-cluster-csi-drivers namespace to restart and change the image
NOTE: To find the digest on quay, go to your image page and under tags click on fetch tag by digest
Verify that the process was successful
// Check that all the pods have restarted
oc -n openshift-cluster-csi-drivers get all
// Check pods contain the correct image
oc -n openshift-cluster-csi-drivers get pod/${PODNAME} -ojson|jq '.spec.containers[]|select(.name == "csi-driver")|."image"'