diff --git a/playbooks/adhoc/s3_registry/s3_registry.yml b/playbooks/adhoc/s3_registry/s3_registry.yml index 92be64e1753..d1546b6fa62 100644 --- a/playbooks/adhoc/s3_registry/s3_registry.yml +++ b/playbooks/adhoc/s3_registry/s3_registry.yml @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ --- # This playbook creates an S3 bucket named after your cluster and configures the docker-registry service to use the bucket as its backend storage. # Usage: -# ansible-playbook s3_registry.yml -e accesskey="S3 aws access key" -e secretkey="S3 aws secret key" -e clusterid="mycluster" +# ansible-playbook s3_registry.yml -e clusterid="mycluster" # # The AWS access/secret keys should be the keys of a separate user (not your main user), containing only the necessary S3 access role. # The 'clusterid' is the short name of your cluster.