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Resource Bundle CURD with Manifestwork Client

You can CURD resource bundle with a manifestwork client, just like CURD manifestwork in a Kubernetes cluster. The difference is that this client is built on the cloudevents sdk-go. As an example, check main.go for how to create the manifestwork client working in maestro.


Do the port-forward for the maestro and maestro-grpc services:

$ kubectl -n maestro port-forward svc/maestro 8000 &
$ kubectl -n maestro port-forward svc/maestro-grpc 8090 &


  1. Set the source ID for the manifestwork client and consumer name:
$ export SOURCE_ID=grpc
$ export CONSUMER_NAME=cluster1
  1. Review and adjust the manifestwork JSON

Before creating a resource bundle with manifestwork client, review the manifestwork JSON file used for creation. You can modify it as needed or leave it unchanged. Keep in mind that while most ManifestWork API options are supported, not all are guaranteed to work in maestro. Pay special attention to the following:

  • Deletion options: Only Foreground and Orphan propagation policies have been verified. Others may not work.
  • Update strategy: ServerSideApply, Update, CreateOnly, and ReadOnly are verified. Others are not guaranteed.
$ go run ./main.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -manifestwork_file=./manifestwork.json -action=create

Note: If your gRPC server enable authentication and authorization, you'll need to provide the CA file for the server and the client's token. For example, after setting up Maestro with make e2e-test/setup, you can retrieve the gRPC server's CA, client certificate, key, and token using the following command:

kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt
kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{.data.client\.crt}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-cert.crt
kubectl -n maestro get secret maestro-grpc-cert -o jsonpath="{.data.client\.key}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-cert.key
kubectl -n maestro get secret grpc-client-token  -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 -d > /tmp/grpc-client-token

You also need to create a cluster role to grant publish & subscribe permissions to the client by running this command:

$ cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: ClusterRole
  name: grpc-pub-sub
- nonResourceURLs:
  - /sources/${SOURCE_ID}
  - pub
  - sub

then you can create a resource bundle with the following command:

$ go run ./main.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -manifestwork_file=./manifestwork.json -maestro-server= -grpc-server= -grpc-server-ca-file=/tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt -grpc-client-token-file=/tmp/grpc-client-token -action=create
  1. Delete the resource bundle:
$ go run ./main.go -source=$SOURCE_ID -consumer-name=$CONSUMER_NAME -manifestwork_file=./manifestwork.json -maestro-server= -grpc-server= -grpc-server-ca-file=/tmp/grpc-server-ca.crt -grpc-client-token-file=/tmp/grpc-client-token -action=delete