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File metadata and controls

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A private Git repository on GitLab can be accessed using either SSH or HTTPS. The preferred method is to always use SSH and a SSH key pair. Only use HTTPS if you have no choice.

The first step to using a private Git repository on GitLab using a repository SSH key is to generate the SSH key pair to be used with that repository. It is recommended to use a distinct SSH key pair for this purpose. Do not use your primary identity SSH key as you will need to upload the private key file of the SSH key pair to OpenShift.

$ ssh-keygen -C "openshift-source-builder/repo@gitlab" -f repo-at-gitlab -N ''

To register the repository SSH key with your private repository on GitLab, go to the Settings for the repository and find the Repository settings page.

On GitLab the repository SSH key is referred to by the term Deploy Key. Search down the Repository settings page and find the Deploy Keys section and expand it. In this section, give the key a name and paste in the contents of the public key file from the SSH key pair. This is the file with the .pub extension, which in this example is called

Ensure that the Write access allowed checkbox is not enabled. That is, you do not want to grant any user of this repository SSH key write access to the repository, read-only access is sufficient.

Upon clicking on Add key, the key will be registered for the repository.

The next step is to create a secret in OpenShift to hold the private key of the SSH key pair. When using the command line, to create the secret run:

$ oc create secret generic repo-at-gitlab \
     --from-file=ssh-privatekey=repo-at-gitlab \

Enable access to the secret from the builder service account:

$ oc secrets link builder repo-at-gitlab

To create a new build and deployment using oc new-app, which uses this source secret, supply the --source-secret option to oc new-app.

$ oc new-app \
    --source-secret repo-at-gitlab --name mysite

If only creating a new build, supply --source-secret to the oc new-build command instead.

$ oc new-build \
    --source-secret repo-at-gitlab --name mysite

If you have an existing build configuration that you need to update to use the source secret, run oc set build-secret.

$ oc set build-secret mysite repo-at-gitlab --source

If the OpenShift cluster you are using is located behind a corporate firewall and SSH connections are blocked, you need to use a personal access token and HTTPS connection rather than SSH.

From the web interface of GitLab, browse to your user Settings and then select Access Tokens.

Enter in a name for the token and enable the api checkbox.

GitLab doesn’t provide a way of setting the scope of a personal access token such that it has read-only access to repositories. One instead has to enable the api scope which gives full control of private repositories.

Giving full control is not ideal as it means that anyone who gets control over the personal access token would also be able to write to any repositories the account has write access to. This is one of the reasons why read-only repository SSH keys bound to a specific repository are preferred.

When you are done with setting the scopes for the personal access token, click on Create personal access token and you will be shown the value of the token. Make sure you make a copy of this as you cannot view it later on in the GitLab settings.

Create the secret from the command line using the oc create secret command.

$ oc create secret generic user-at-gitlab \
    --from-literal=username=machineuser \
    --from-literal=password=accesstoken \

You will need to supply the name of the user account which the personal access token was created under as the value to username. It is better to create a machine user account for an organization, which has access to the repository, rather than use a personal user account. Also supply the access token as the value to password.

Run oc secrets link to allow the builder service account to use it.

$ oc secrets link builder user-at-gitlab

To create a new build and deployment using oc new-app, which uses this source secret, supply the --source-secret option to oc new-app, passing the name of the secret. Similarly, supply --source-secret to oc new-build if creating just a build.