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File metadata and controls

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This is a guide on what to do after you have created a new task repository from the template. More in depth information about how to create a new task can be found in the OpenProblems Documentation.


A list of required software to start developing a new task can be found in the OpenProblems Requirements.

First things first


  • Update the name field to the name of the task in snake_case the nane should start with task_.
  • Update the description field to a short description of the task.
  • Add a keyword to the keywords field that describes the task.
  • Update the task_template in the links/info field to the name of the task in snake_case.


  • Update the src/api/task_info.yaml file with the information you have provided in the task issue.
  • Update the <task_name> in the readme field to the name of the task.

common submodule

If the submodule does not show any files, you will need to initialize the common submodule by running the following command:

git submodule update --init --recursive

To update the repository with the latest changes from in the submodule, you can run the following command:

git pull --recurse-submodules


The OpenProblems team has provided some test resources that can be used to test the task. These resources are stored in the resources_test folder. The scripts/ script can be used to download these resources. If these resources are not sufficient, you can add more resources to the resources_test folder. The scripts/ script can be updated to download these resources. When using new test resources let the OP team know so they can be added to the s3 bucket.


Next steps

API files (docs)

Update the API files in the src/api folder. These files define the input and output of the methods and metrics.

Components (docs)

To create a component, you can run the respective script in the script directory. Before running the script make sure to update the variables task_name, component_name and component_lang and save the file. For additionale components ou will only need to update the component_name and component_lang variables.


For each type of component there already is a first component created that you can modify.

  1. Update the .info fields in the config.vsh.yaml.
  2. Add any component specific arguments to the config.vsh.yaml file.
  3. Add any additional reqources that are required for the component.
  4. Update the docker engine image setup if additional packages are required.
  5. If you know the required memory and or CPU you can adjust the nextflow .directive.labels field. In addition if your component requires a GPU you can add the gpu label to the field.
  6. Update the or script.R file with the code for the component.


You can remove the comments in the config.vsh.yaml file after you have updated the file.

Testing Components (docs)

You can test the component by running the following command:

viash test /path/to/config.vsh.yaml

Y0u can also test all components by running the following command:


It is possible to custumise the command in the above script by adding a -q argument to only perform the test on for example methods e.g. -q methods.

Dataset processor (docs)

The dataset processor is a script that removes all unnecesary info from the dataset for your task. This info is defined in the api/file_common_dataset.yaml file. From this filtered dataset several files are created that are used by the methods and metrics. Safeguarding data leaks and laking sure the structure of the data cannot be altered for a method or a metric.

To create the dataprocessor there is no template available. You can follow the guideline in the documentation. Store the processor in the src/process_dataset folder.

Be sure to update the file_common_dataset.yaml file with the correct information required for the methods/metrics.


When using your own datasets please advise the openproblems team on how to add these datasets to the s3 bucket. As the dataset processor should make use of the common datasets folder in the resources or resources_test directory.

To create the resources and test_resources for the task we will create a nextflow workflow that will process the datasets. This workflow will be created together with the openproblems team.


To create the task README file preform following command:


Benchmarking (docs)

When you are finished with creating your components and datset processor you can create a workflow to benchmark the components. This workflow will be created together with the openproblems team.