#Contribute to Pagelyzer
To build you require:
- Maven 3: http://maven.apache.org/
- Clone the source code from https://github.com/openplanets/pagelyzer/Maven
For using the recommended IDE you require:
- Eclipse Indigo: http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/index-developer.php
- Eclipse m2eclipse plugin: http://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/maven-integration-eclipse
- Fork the GitHub project
- Change the code and push into the forked project
- Submit a pull request
To increase the chances of your changes being accepted and merged into the official source here's a checklist of things to go over before submitting a contribution. For example:
- Has unit tests (that covers at least 80% of the code)
- Has documentation (at least 80% of public API)
- Agrees to contributor license agreement, certifying that any contributed code is original work and that the copyright is turned over to the project