diff --git a/docs/server/LinuxServerInstallation.md b/docs/server/LinuxServerInstallation.md
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+**This guide contains a comprehensive guide on installing an open.mp server on Ubuntu or another Debian based Linux.
+Whether you're a beginner or just looking to refresh your knowledge, this guide may have something useful for you!**
+If you are using the SA:MP server and didn't convert to open.mp yet, **[please stop here and read this guide first.](https://www.open.mp/docs/server/Installation)**
+If you are using the FCNPC plugin, please stop for now because this plugin does not work for open.mp currently.
+## Prerequisites
+Before starting, you should have:
+- A machine running Ubuntu (20.04 or later recommended) or another Debian based Linux;
+- WinSCP or Filezilla for file transfers;
+- PuTTY or your hosting SSH solution;
+If you install WinSCP, the installer will prompt you to install PuTTY!
+It's up to you if you want to install it or not, but you can always download it later!
+## Phase 1: Preparing the Environment
+1. Connecting via SSH:
+ - Use PuTTY or your hosting SSH solution to connect to your instance.
+Seek online guides or your hosting provider's documentation if you're unsure how to connect to your Linux Instance.
+2. Updating your Linux Instance:
+ - Before proceeding, let's ensure your system is up to date by running:
+ ```
+ sudo apt update
+ ```
+ ```
+ sudo apt upgrade
+ ```
+3. Creating a secure service account:
+ - For security reasons, we should create a dedicated service account without a home directory:
+ ```
+ sudo useradd -M svc-omp-server
+ ```
+4. Locking the service sccount:
+ - Let's prevent the service account from being used for login:
+ ```
+ sudo usermod -L svc-omp-server
+ ```
+5. Creating a directory for the server files:
+ - We will use the /opt directory, this is the standard location for third-party applications:
+ ```
+ sudo mkdir /opt/omp-server
+ ```
+6. Setting permissions for the directory:
+ - Changing the group of the directory to match the service account:
+ ```
+ sudo chgrp svc-omp-server /opt/omp-server
+ ```
+ - Setting the g+s flag so new files inherit the correct group and remove access for others:
+ ```
+ sudo chmod g+s /opt/omp-server
+ ```
+ ```
+ sudo chmod o-rwx /opt/omp-server
+ ```
+## Phase 2: Installing open.mp Server Files
+7. Let's navigate to the server directory:
+ - We need to move to the /opt/omp-server directory where the server will be stored:
+ ```
+ cd /opt/omp-server
+ ```
+8. Downloading the open.mp server files:
+ - Download the latest release of the open.mp server:
+ ```
+ sudo -u svc-omp-server wget https://github.com/openmultiplayer/open.mp/releases/download/vX.X.X.XXXX/open.mp-linux-x86.tar.gz
+ ```
+**You should ALWAYS check for the latest release at the open.mp GitHub Releases page!**
+9. Extracting the server files:
+ - Once downloaded, extract the files:
+ ```
+ sudo -u svc-omp-server tar -xzf open.mp-linux-x86.tar.gz
+ ```
+## Phase 3: Configuring and Starting the Server
+10. Installing the required x86 libraries:
+ - Since the server runs as a 32-bit application, you need to enable 32-bit architecture support:
+ ```
+ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
+ ```
+ ```
+ sudo apt update
+ ```
+ ```
+ sudo apt install libc6:i386
+ ```
+11. Making the server executable:
+ - Change the permissions so the server can be executed (only required once!):
+ ```
+ cd /opt/omp-server/Server/
+ ```
+ ```
+ sudo chmod +x omp-server
+ ```
+12. Starting the server:
+ - Use the following command to start the server in the background:
+ ```
+ nohup ./omp-server &
+ ```
+ - The terminal will output a process ID (PID). Write this number down for future reference.
+## Phase 4: Managing the Server
+13. Stopping the server:
+ - To stop the server, use the PID from step 12 and run:
+ ```
+ sudo kill
+ ```
+14. Finding the Process ID (if forgotten):
+ - If you forget the process ID, run:
+ ```
+ top
+ ```
+ - Look for the omp-server process in the list, note the PID, press 'Q' to quit, and then kill the process as shown in step 13.
+## Phase 5: Uploading Your Gamemode and Files
+15. Upload your custom gamemodes and scripts:
+ - Use WinSCP or Filezilla to transfer your gamemodes and scripts to the /opt/omp-server directory.
+ Important: Make sure to use .so files for Linux plugins, as .dll files are only supported on Windows.
+## Help
+If you're still experiencing issues setting up the server, join the official open.mp Discord server: [https://discord.gg/samp](https://discord.gg/samp)
+Post your question in the [#openmp-support](https://discord.com/channels/231799104731217931/966398440051445790) channel and mention this guide so we can improve it.
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