This file contains a list of use cases based on Vtiger Customizer
Into Vtiger the login process is based on the 'doLogin' method placed here
Now I need to check if user is present on a Custom Source (eg. a public list of Footbal Arbiter/Referee).
Vtiger_Customizer::extendMethod('Users::doLogin', function($self, $args) {
// Do the standard 'doLogin' methods
$success = $self->doLogin($args['password']);
// If user exists on DB and login is correct, now I check if exists on public list of Footbal Arbiters
if ($success) {
$listOfArbiters = json_decode(file_get_contents('<public-url-of-footbal-data>'), true);
$success = in_array($self->user, $listOfArbiters);
return $success;
Into Vtiger all email sent pass from this function 'send_mail' placed here
Now I need to append to all emails I send the message "This email is property of VTIGER do not touch please!"
Vtiger_Customizer::extendFunctions('send_mail', function($args) {
$args['contents'] .= "\n\n" . "This email is property of VTIGER do not touch please!";
return send_mail($args);