![Spade Suite Logo](/openceJav/spadesuite/raw/master/assets/spd-logo.png)
Spade Suite is an Apartment Management System designed to simplify
the process of managing apartments and properties.
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This project is a JavaFX application that serves as an MVP to a larger project. The project is a desktop application that is designed to manage apartments and properties for landlords and property managers. The application is designed with seamless integration with a database and with user experience in mind. To get more information about the functional and non-functional requirements of this MVP, consider reading over this DOCUMENT.
Clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/openceJav/spadesuite.git
cd spadesuite
Clean and Rebuild the Project:
mvn clean install
Run the project:
mvn javafx:run
TODO: Add usage instructions with images.
TODO: Add roadmap for the project, with some pre-defined features and enhancements.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for more details and information.