: https://docs.astral.sh/uv/getting-started/installation/docker
anddocker compose
: https://docs.docker.com/compose/install/
$ uv sync
This will bring up a persistent database and run tests in Docker. The server is automatically reloaded whenever the source code changes.
make run-docker
This will bring up a persistent database and run tests locally: The server is automatically reloaded whenever the source code changes.
make run-local
This will bring up a non-persistent database and run tests in Docker:
$ make test-docker
This will bring up a non-persistent database and run tests locally:
$ make test-local
$ make
help Show this help
format Run formatters
lint Run linters
build Build the Docker image
test-local Run tests locally
test-docker Run tests in Docker
run-local Run the application locally
run-docker Run the application in Docker
kill Take down the application and remove the volumes
migration Create or update the alembic migration
- Download the hierarchy:
aws s3 cp --no-sign-request s3://openbluebrain/Model_Data/Brain_atlas/Mouse/resolution_25_um/version_1.1.0/Parcellation_ontology/mba_hierarchy.json .
- Download the Nexus data (only metadata) from:
- Untar in a directory called
tar xzf out.tar.gz
- Import data into the specified database:
make import
# setup postgres to use full text search (VectorTS)
# test_legacy / test_dump can be used to test legacy calls
# test_dump is going through all the nexus rest calls in nexus_use_case_dump and executes these calls
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