This repo creates an s3 bucket to store the terraform state and a dynamodb table to store a lock for terraform to avoid concurrent plan/apply jobs.
In most cases, you only need to create the S3 bucket and dynamodb table once. The IAM user and access key to create those 2 components can be deleted immediately after. You can't create it with the root user itself, as that user only has access to IAM: it's not a full admin account.
To setup such a temporary user:
- Log in with the email address of the 'root user' of your AWS account
- At IAM -> Security credentials: create an access key, to create the IAM user which will have the rights to create the S3 and DynamoDB.
- Export those variables and run the script to create the temporary IAM user and show the access key ID and secret of that IAM user
cd temp-user-for-s3-and-dynamodb
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=...
terraform init
terraform apply
terraform output -raw access_key_id
terraform output -raw secret_access_key
- Add a new environment in aws-terraform-bootstrap at
containing the environment secrets AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY with the output.
⚠️ Watch out: drop the '%' at the end of printed key ID and secret: zsh has some issue when printing a newline. - Run the Terraform Bootstrap action at As environment, select the environment you just created.
- When the 'Terraform Bootstrap'
You'll need to define a variable which will be used within the name of the
S3 bucket and dynamodb table. Previously used names:
- staging
- production
- sandbox-hpc
- ecr
- Afterwards you can delete that IAM user and its access key for the creation of the S3 bucket and DynamoDB:
# again in temp-user-for-s3-and-dynamodb with same AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID amd AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
# environment variables
terraform destroy
- You can now delete that access key owned by the root user of your AWS account at IAM -> Manage access keys.
Copyright (c) 2025 Open Brain Institute