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@andrewjaykeller andrewjaykeller released this 26 Jul 02:06
· 192 commits to master since this release


New Features

  • Add time sync tutorial in

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug in simulator that lead to samples being all zeros.
  • Fixed time sync sent confirmation bug that led to bad time values.


The second major release for the OpenBCI Node.js SDK brings major changes, improvements and stability, on top of a push to increase automated test coverage.

New Features

  • NPM Module now called openbci instead of openbci-sdk
  • Firmware version 2.0 support.
  • Clock synchronization between OpenBCI board and this driver
  • .info property which contains verified board information parsed from the OpenBCI's softReset() response.
  • eot event that is emitted when a user sends a command that results in an EOT ("$$$") being sent from the board
  • Daisy (16 channel) support
  • Simulator overhaul, it completely mocks the board. Can now simulate board failure, where the board stops talking to the dongle. Can also mock a serial port failure.
  • error and close events from serialport now emtted events users can subscribe to.

Breaking Changes

  • NPM package is not called openbci-sdk anymore, now called openbci
  • Accelerometer data now goes into .accelData array instead of .auxData array.
  • In openBCISample.js
    • parseRawPacket() is now called parseRawPacketStandard()
  • ready event only triggered after soft reset. eot event emitted in all other conditions resulting in the board sending EOT ("$$$")
  • Must use camel case on the OpenBCISimulator object.
  • Renamed constructor options for readability:
    • simulatorAlpha to simulatorInjectAlpha
    • simulatorLineNoise to simulatorInjectLineNoise
  • connect() no longer rejects on close or error event from the serialport.