Planet openSUSE is a web feed aggregator that collects blog posts from people who contribute to openSUSE.
In March 2020, we switched to a new repo and completely new software for Please see planet-o-o for the new repo.
This section describes the workflow for this - now unused - repo and is only kept for historical reasons. Please see planet-o-o for instructions how to add your feed nowadays.
If you want to get your blog added, we prefer pull requests via github.
- Fork this repository
- Edit planetsuse/feeds and add:
- the URL to the RSS/Atom feed of your blog
- the language of your blog, especially if it's not in English
- your full name (e.g. John Doe)
- your IRC nickname on Freenode, if you have any (e.g. jdoe)
- whether you are an openSUSE Member so that a "member" button can be placed besides your name on the feedlist
- a hackergotchi -- while it's not mandatory, it is a lot nicer for the readers. If you need help with this send a picture to the openSUSE Artwork team.
- Send a pull request once you are finished
Have a look at planetsuse/config if you want to know more about possible options.
An alternative might be an email to - but you would not visit this site if you want to use email, correct? ;-)