##Putting all together with Foundation 6 for sites development This is the repository integrating some functionality with Foundation 6. we are working on it but you can already get some ideas looking at the code. For example how to work with templates, pages, partials with panini or how to organize the sass files with in src and the dist output for production.
###You can see an in progress sample of this at: http://foundation6.oe-lab.tk
###Do you want to participate help or be helped? http://open-ecommerce.org/who-we-are/open-ecommerce-digital-agency.php
###What are we talking about here:
Foundation for sites: application framework to create responsive websites. You can download it but we will use the foundation command line tool instead http://foundation.zurb.com/sites.html
Foundation-cli: put all the magic together http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/installation.html
Panini: Flat file compiler powered by Handlebars http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/panini.html https://github.com/zurb/panini
SASS: Scripting language for css compiled with compass. http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html
npm: NodeJS package manager to instal node programs. Foundation cli it is organized in npm so you will need NodeJS and npm installed but probably you already have. https://howtonode.org/introduction-to-npm
Bower: Package manager for Javascript libraries. Make it easier to grab libraries and versions. https://egghead.io/lessons/bower-introduction-and-setup
Browsersync: Once you run foundation watch will open the default browser and everytime you change something in sass or html it will be reflected in the browser like magic. https://www.browsersync.io/
Github: proof of concept in our master-foundation6 https://github.com/open-ecommerce/masters-foundation6
###Install the foundation client
sudo npm install --global foundation-cli
foundation -help
Commands: new Create a new Foundation project update Update an existing Foundation project watch Watch a project's files for changes build Build a project's files for production help Show this screen -v Display the CLI's version
###Install npm and bower components If you are using our repo you will need to run npm install and bower install before you can build with foundation cli
sudo npm install
bower install
###If all went ok you will have everything ready to start your craft….
You can use watch to run the site in the browser
foundation watch
We are creating a document to explain how the panini structure work in foundation 6 but for now i suggest to check the foundation panini link and get ideas from the foundation blocks that come with the html and sass code ready to use:
###Templates, pages and partials http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/panini.html
###Building blocks: http://foundation.zurb.com/develop/building-blocks.html
Failed to load external module babel-register
You can add .babelrc file to the root of your project: https://github.com/zurb/foundation-sites/wiki/Upgrading-to-Foundation-6.2
Or just add it globally to your system:
sudo npm install babel-register babel-preset-es2015