simple65py is a simple assembler for the MOS 6502 CPU. It was created to compile games for the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), but should work for any system that uses the 6502 as it's main processor.
Where INPUTFILE is a 6502 assembly code file, and OUTPUTFILE is the resulting binary file. Optionally, DEBUGFILE can be specified to output debug information.
Included is some example code that assembles into an NES binary. To assemble the example code:
python3 example.asm example.nes
The resulting NES ROM binary can be run in an NES emulator.
A full list of 6502 opcodes can be found here.
.ORG value
Sets the internal program counter to the specified value.
.PAD value
Pads the binary with zeros until the program counter reaches the specified value.
.DB byte1, byte2, ..., byteN
Inserts the specified value or list of values into the binary as individual bytes.
.DW word1, word2, ..., wordN
Inserts the specified value or list of values into the binary as individual words (2-byte values). Words are inserted little-endian style (least significant byte first).
.RS count
Reserves a series of bytes according to the count. This modifies the internal program counter, but does not insert any bytes into the binary.
.DEF label value
Defines a label as the specified value.
.INCLUDE "filename"
Includes the specified file and parses it as assembly code.
.INCBIN "filename"
Includes the specified file as raw binary.