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File metadata and controls

69 lines (46 loc) · 2.17 KB

Reminder for quick Spip local dev environment setup with docker, spip-cli and php

Prerequisites :

  • docker, composer, php (with update-alternatives if needed), spip-cli

Docs :

In one console :

Run docker mysql container

docker run --name db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 -p 33060:3306 -v $(pwd)/db-vol:/var/lib/mysql -d mysql:5.7 --character-set-server=utf8 --collation-server=utf8_unicode_ci

Run logs for mysql db container

docker logs db -f

In another console :

Run docker adminer and connect to mysql db container

docker run --name adminer --link db -p 8080:8080 -d adminer:latest

Run logs for adminer container

docker logs adminer -f

In a third console :

Create spip site from spip-cli

download spip files with wanted version

spip dl --branche spip-3.2.19

Create needed directories

spip core:preparer

Connect to db and create config files

spip core:installer --db-server=mysql --db-login=thelogin --db-pass=1234 --db-host=the.docker.db.ip

(if needed) Upload original Spip website dataset to mysql db container

mysql -u thelogin -P 3306 -h the.docker.db.ip -p spip < ~/way-to/dump.sql

Update original spip site host to local dev host :

spip config:ecrire -f tmp/adresse_site.json

Create original plugins list from original spip site dataset

spip plugins:lister -e

Install plugins from original plugins list (some plugins may not be available and will need a manual installation from spip admin)

spip plugins:activer --from-file=tmp/plugins.txt or spip plugins:activer -e

Clear Spip caches

spip cache:vider

Run the built-in web server

php -S localhost:8000

or :

Run the built-in web server with the built-in PHP server and Xdebug (debug in phpstorm)

php -S localhost:8000 -d xdebug.mode=debug -d xdebug.client_host:localhost -d xdebug.client_port:9003 -d xdebug.discover_client_host

Sources :

Des sites sous SPIP :