LICH-TEST - Liquid Water, Interfacial, Cubic and Hexagonal Ice Classification through Eclipsed and Staggered Conformation Template Matching - is a tool for classifying different ice types in atomistic simulations.
Algorithm is published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry B (2021)
Versions for Matlab and Python. This module requires the following modules:
(For Python 3)
- Numpy
- SciPy
conda activate base # example for using the above libraries from Anaconda
Download the code
cd lich_test_matlab_public_*version*/
Set filename (the simulation cell including water as atom type O/OW/mW) in
cd lich_test_python_public_07012021/
Note that the Python version is missing some of the functionality of the more recent Matlab version.
Current maintainers:
- Golnaz Roudsari (usrname)
- Farshad G. Veshki (usrname)
- Olli H. Pakarinen (usrname)
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.