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SUO‐KIF Causality

epachamo edited this page Feb 12, 2025 · 2 revisions

Three relationships that are used in causality

(causes Process1 Process2), Process1 is the cause of Process2
(causesSubclass Process1 Process2), Process1 is frequently the cause of Process2
(causesProposition Formula1 Formula2), If Formula2 occurred, then Formula1 is the likely cause of Formula2 

General examples

Soil erosion is generally the cause of siltation.

(causesSubclass SoilErosion Siltation)

High blood pressure causes strokes

    (instance ?H Human)
    (attribute ?H HighBloodPressure))
  (exists (?S)
      (instance ?S Stroke)
      (experiencer ?S ?H)))

The broken pipe caused water damage to the house

    (instance ?PIPE Pipeline)
    (instance ?PIPEDAMAGE Damaging)
    (patient ?PIPEDAMAGE ?PIPE)
    (instance ?HOUSE House)
    (instance ?HOUSEDAMAGE Damaging)
    (patient ?HOUSEDAMAGE ?HOUSE)
    (instance ?LEAK LiquidMOtion)
    (origin ?LEAK ?PIPE)
    (orientation ?PIPE ?HOUSE Inside)
    (causes ?PIPEDAMAGE ?LEAK)
    (causes ?LEAK ?HOUSEDAMAGE)))

Heating the water while in Denver to 203 degrees caused it to boil