###Algorithms & Data Structures in C++ [![Build Status][1]][2] [1]: https://travis-ci.org/xtaci/algorithms.svg?branch=master [2]: https://travis-ci.org/xtaci/algorithms
####目标 ( goal ) :
- 经典的算法实现
(classical algorithms implementations) - 服务器端
(based on linux/gcc) - 正确,易于使用和改造, 一个头文件一个算法,并附带一个demo.
(correct! and ease of use, one .header file per algorithm)
####约定 ( Convention ):
- 一个算法用一个.h文件表示放到include下. ( one .header file per algorithm. )
- 算法演示的demo程序放到src下. ( one demo per algorithm. )
- 程序正确通过后,请发起Pull Requests,代码被验证后入库,并在README中发布新算法实现。 (Please Use Fork+Pull Requests !!! Correctness is the most important!)
- TAB = 4 space. set ts=4 in vim
- Graph的输出格式为 Graphviz Dot格式.
(the output format of the graph is in dot of graphviz.)
####已实现 ( Implemented ):
####贡献者 ( Contributors ) :
Samana: for heavy work of MSVC compatability
wycg1984: for K-Means
xmuliang: for HeapSort, Kruskal MST
wyh267: for base64, LRU, bubble sort, selection sort
ZhangYou0122: Push-Relabel algorithm, Suffix Tree
UsingtcNower: Suffix Array
afernandez90: AVL trees
####支持此项目 ( Donations ) :