Package which allow you very quickly change content of file. This package read line from original file, make all given transform and save line to new file.
After build
And to dependencies
This library is java runnable file, too. So you can use it from terminal. Of course, options are limited.
# windows
start javaw -jar ./file-transformator-<version>.jar
# linux
java -jar ./file-transformator-<version>.jar
After jar file is:
<originFile> <resultFile> [-co <originCharset>] [-cr <resultCharset>] [-do] [-dr] [-t <time>]/[-tu <time> <H/M/S/N>] [-m <replaceWhat> <repaceWith>]
originFile: from which file will be read
resultFile: to which file will be appended, if no file exist, will be created
-co : if you wish specified charset of origin file - some specials symbols etc.
-cr : similar to previous
-do: if you use this option, original file will be deleted at the end
-dr: with this option, program delete result file before transformation if exists
-t /-tu <H/M/S/N>: For *.srt subtitle file transformation. If text is soon or late to voice, you could use this. Require this format of time: 'hh:mm:ss,sss --> hh:mm:ss,sss'. Given number is default miliseconds, but you can specify time unit (H - hours, M - minutes, S - second, N - miliseconds). If subtitles are soon that voice, number is positive, if subtitles are late that voice, number is negative.
-m : Replace first given string with second given string. This option you could use more time.
There are two ways how to use this package as library. First way uses the parametrized constructor of ContentTransformator
class. When you create new class, everything is done.
public ContentTransformator(
String originPath, String originCharset,
boolean deleteOrigin,
String resultPath, String resultCharset,
boolean deleteExistingResult,
List<LineTransformator> transformators);
The parameters are very similar to options for bash command. See options. LineTransformator
interface is explained below. See LineTransformator.
The second way is using public void transform(BufferedReader br, BufferedWriter bw, List<LineTransformator> transformators) throws IOException
method. For this way has LineTransformator
class non-parametrized constructor, too. Remember: everythings is doing per line - read line, applying every LineTransformator, save line - so add append option to BufferWriter.
With this library, you can modify files as you wish. Just create new implementation of LineTransformator
interface. This interface has only one method:
String updateLine(String line);
Returned value of this method is used as input to next LineTransformator
or is written to file. In this library two implemetations are prepared.
For *.srt subtitle file transformation. Require this format of time: 'hh:mm:ss,sss --> hh:mm:ss,sss'. If subtitles are soon that voice, shift is positive, if subtitles are late that voice, shift is negative. Shift is given in constructor.
Use java.util.Map
. The 'key' is what you want to replace, 'value' is new value. Map is given in constructor. Or you can specified that 'keys' are regexs.