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File metadata and controls

104 lines (84 loc) · 3.68 KB


Like as MQTT2RRD and it's forks, MQTToRRD create round robin database files from MQTT messages.

Tool daemon is based on poho-mqtt and python-daemon packages. All dependencies are listed in requirements.txt file. As Python 2.x is deprecated, tool is write for Python 3.5 or more only. For example signal.Signals class is use.


usage: $(prog)s [options] command

Create round robind database files form MQTT.

positional arguments:
  command               Daemon action (start|stop|restart|status)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c <file>, --config <file>
                        Path to config file.
  -f, --foreground      Run as script on foreground


~# pip3 install mqttorrd



data_dir:Directory to store round robin database files. Default value is /var/lib/mqttorrd.
pid_file:Path of file with pid. Default value is /var/run/
user:Daemon user, default nobody.
group:Daemon group, default nogroup.

Data directory must be writer with user or group as pid file. Each value from MQTT broker is store to it's rrd file with path from topic. For example: /var/lib/mqttorrd/garden/pool/temperature.rrd.


handler:Python logging handler. Possible values are file or syslog. When tool is run at foreground, stderr handler is use. On UNIX like systems, WatchedFileHandler is used. Defaults to syslog.
syslog:Syslog connection, /dev/log by default. LOG_DAEMON facility is used.
file:Path to log file if file handler is used. Defaults to /var/log/mqttorrd.log.
level:One of Python logging level: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. Default value is ERROR.
format:Logging format. Default value is %(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(name)s: %(message)s "{%(funcName)s():%(lineno)d}.


client_id:MQTT client id. If is not defined, it is generate automatically.
hostname:Broker hostname, localhost by default.
port:Broker port, 1883 is allways default.
keepalive:The keepalive timeout value for the client. Defaults to 60 seconds.
tls:TLS connection, default False.
ca_certs:Path to the Certificate Authority certificate. If is not set, system certs path is use.
certfile:Client public certificate file.
keyfile:Client primary key file.
username:Client username
password:Client password
subscriptions:Coma separated topics to subscribe. Default value is /#.


For any topics could be defined own RRD parameters. MQTT characters like # and + could be use. If new topic message was received,first definition, which is matched is used. If database file is exist yet, only value are update. For more information see

step:Round Robin Database step. Defaults to 60 seconds.
DS:Data source definition. Default value is DS:{topic}:GAUGE:120:U:U, where {topic} is replaced with file name as last topics part.
RRA:Value archive definition. Default value is