The Programming Fundamentals in Python (Part 2) course has a very interesting example no 5.6.4.
It prints the tree of Python standard library exceptions.
def PrintExcTree(thisclass, nest = 0):
if nest > 1:
print(" |" * (nest - 1), end = '')
if nest > 0:
print(" +---", end = '')
for subclass in thisclass.__subclasses__():
PrintExcTree(subclass, nest + 1)
My platform.python_version()
is '3.5.3'
and this is what the tree looks like:
| +---TypeError
| +---StopAsyncIteration
| +---ArithmeticError
| | +---FloatingPointError
| | +---OverflowError
| | +---ZeroDivisionError
| +---EOFError
| +---SyntaxError
| | +---IndentationError
| | | +---TabError
| +---ValueError
| | +---UnicodeError
| | | +---UnicodeEncodeError
| | | +---UnicodeDecodeError
| | | +---UnicodeTranslateError
| | +---UnsupportedOperation
| +---LookupError
| | +---IndexError
| | +---KeyError
| | +---CodecRegistryError
| +---AttributeError
| +---BufferError
| +---error
| +---MemoryError
| +---SystemError
| | +---CodecRegistryError
| +---Warning
| | +---UserWarning
| | +---DeprecationWarning
| | +---SyntaxWarning
| | +---ImportWarning
| | +---ResourceWarning
| | +---FutureWarning
| | +---BytesWarning
| | +---RuntimeWarning
| | +---PendingDeprecationWarning
| | +---UnicodeWarning
| +---NameError
| | +---UnboundLocalError
| +---AssertionError
| +---OSError
| | +---ConnectionError
| | | +---BrokenPipeError
| | | +---ConnectionAbortedError
| | | +---ConnectionRefusedError
| | | +---ConnectionResetError
| | +---BlockingIOError
| | +---FileNotFoundError
| | +---ChildProcessError
| | +---ItimerError
| | +---NotADirectoryError
| | +---ProcessLookupError
| | +---PermissionError
| | +---FileExistsError
| | +---UnsupportedOperation
| | +---TimeoutError
| | +---IsADirectoryError
| | +---InterruptedError
| +---ReferenceError
| +---ImportError
| | +---ZipImportError
| +---StopIteration
| +---RuntimeError
| | +---RecursionError
| | +---NotImplementedError
| | +---_DeadlockError
| +---Error
— Oliver Frolovs, 2020