plugin for opting out of wrapping fenced code in <pre><code>
By default, markdown-it
will always wrap rendered fenced code in <pre><code>
. That's a good default: it turns
But that's not the behavior you want if you're using a fenced code processor which adds the <pre><code>
wrappers for you, or if you don't want <pre><code>
wrappers at all.
<package manager> add [-D] @olets/markdown-it-wrapperless-fence-rule
import markdownItWrapperlessFenceRule from '@olets/markdown-it-wrapperless-fence-rule';
import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it';
const md = MarkdownIt();
md.renderer.rules.fence = markdownItWrapperlessFenceRule;
md.use(/* … */);
- Basic:
- Shiki:
markdown-it always renders fenced code with an outermost <pre>
markdown-it/markdown-it#269, and that doesn't play nice with transforming Shiki's output shikijs/shiki#811.
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