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Streamr Hub

This is the Streamr Hub application frontend, which includes tooling for creating and editing Streamr resources (streams, data unions, projects), and the data marketplace.

The Hub frontend runs against Ethereum smart contracts. For more information see Backend.

Folder structure

Although the frontend consists of a single app, the code is structured into different folders based on the different functionalities of the app. The code is under the src folder:

  • marketplace contains the data marketplace
  • shared has shared code and utilities
  • userpages contains the views for managing a user's Streamr resources
  • routes contains the list of App routes.
  • utils contains commonly used utilities, used throughout the App.
  • stories storybook stories.
  • test App unit tests.
  • travis_scripts Deployment scripts.

Getting Started


npm ci
npm start

Webpack is configured with live reloading and will be served on http://localhost once the backend stack is running on Docker (see Backend).

Environment & Smart contract configuration

To be able to use the Marketplace, you'll need to configure these variables into your .env file:

Variable Description
PORT Port used by webpack devServer
BUNDLE_ANALYSIS Optional, enables generating bundle size analysis report.

Default development values are taken from .env.required which can be overridden by values in your .env file.

Optional config values:

Variable Description
SENTRY_DSN Identifier for Sentry error reporting service
SENTRY_ORG Identifier for Sentry organisation
LOGROCKET_SLUG Identifier for LogRocket error reporting service (used in staging and public beta environment)
GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID Identifier for Google Analytics
STORYBOOK_BASE_PATH Build path for Storybook stories
PLATFORM_PUBLIC_PATH Public path for Webpack config. If not defined, relative paths are used.

Use .travis.yml to set the production values.


To run the app locally, you must install and start the development environment running on Docker. Follow the instructions to start the full stack except the frontend:

streamr-docker-dev start --except platform

Note that the instructions also include login credentials for the local app.

Git Branches

Master Branch (untagged) -> Production ready code

Master Branch (tagged releases) -> Production code -

Deploying to Production

Follow these steps to push a new production release:

git checkout master
npm version patch # This will get you a tag, too, e.g. v3.1.15.
git push master

At this point it's a good idea to check that Travis confirms all tests are passing. Then, for example if the new version is 3.1.15,

git push v3.1.15

Production Hotfixes

Create new branch from master hotfix/ticket-id-issue-title Merge the approved branch to master and push a tagged incremental release.

git checkout master
git merge hotfix/ticket-id-issue-title
npm version patch
git push master

At this point it's a good idea to check that Travis confirms all tests are passing. Then, for example if the new version is 3.1.15,

git push v3.1.15


The project contains a Storybook including stories from the main components. The Storybook can be run with npm run storybook and built with npm run build-storybook. Storybook should be accessible after running npm run storybook at http://localhost:6006 or on your network at


  • When production builds:
    • Webpack creates .map-file in dist -directory with bundled JS
    • Travis has a script container (Runs when deploying in production)
      • Creates a new release in Sentry by TRAVIS_TAG
      • Pushes source map -file from dist into Sentry with tagged release
      • Removes the .map-file so it doesn't end up in production


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