Anfisa is a Variant Analysis and Curation Tool. Its purpose is to bring together Genetic Research and Clinical settings and provide a medical genticist with access to research Genome.
See more about the goal of the project at
If you would like to try Anfisa, we strongly recommend installing it from one of the released tags or from branch v.0.4.x
Master is temporary unstable.
To install Anfisa on a local Linux or MacOS system:
Clone the repository on your system. We suggest cloning one of the tagged (released) version as the master branch is undergoing continues development.
Install all the requirements by running
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run deploy script:
The script will ask for an installation directory. By default it would install in the same directory where you have cloned the code, but you can change to any other directory. Then it will configure Anfisa for your local system
When the script has finished, it will display the command to run the system.
Once the system is running you can access the web interface by teh url: http://localhost:8090
The port is configurable in your configuration file.
Anfisa is also as a demo based on potential hearing loss panel of genes on a genome taken from Personal Genome Project with the consent of the family.
The demo is available at:
Please contact us on the to obtain a username and password to access it.