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Open Alert Viewer

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Display server and network alerts from servers running Prometheus, Nagios or Icinga.

Prometheus v0.16.0+, Nagios Core 4.x and Icinga 2.12.0+ are supported, along with Basic Authentication.


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Back end compatibility

Compatible third-party alert services


  • Basic Authentication
  • (More planned)

Target platforms

Build instructions


  • Flutter
  • OpenJDK 17 (or similar, for Android)
  • Gstreamer and headers (for Linux)


cd open_alert_viewer
flutter pub get
dart run build_runner build
dart run flutter_oss_licenses:generate


cd open_alert_viewer
flutter build apk
adb install build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/app-release.apk


sudo apt install curl git unzip xz-utils zip libglu1-mesa imagemagick \
    clang cmake git ninja-build pkg-config libgtk-3-dev liblzma-dev libstdc++-12-dev \
    libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libunwind-dev

cd open_alert_viewer
flutter build linux

You can move or copy the bundle directory anywhere on your file system, but internal structure should remain the same. If you want to put the binary in your path, make a symlink.

If you want to build a simple .deb file, check your version of libgtk-3-0... and run the following script with something like:

./linux/oav-custom/compile x64 "libgtk-3-0t64 (>= 3.24.41)"

Back end configuration

Prometheus Alertmanager

When setting up your account in the app, enter the base address of your Alertmanager service, not Prometheus. Alertmanager may be listening on port 9093, but it needs to be wrapped in HTTPS, so it might be on another port, or under a separate base URL.

Prometheus doesn't seem to have a strict standard for categorization of alert types, so this app depends on a couple configurations on your server:

  1. In files imported by the Prometheus rule_files directive, ensure that warning alerts have the label severity: set to warning, and the rest are set to page, critical or error (the default) for critical service and down host checks.

  2. For down host checks, you should also make sure that alerts are labeled with the custom label: oav_type: ping or icmp.

This app parses any labels set by Prometheus in a case-sensitive way.


To view debug alerts, create an account with the base URL set to demo.



License: MIT

Other dependencies use a variety of permissive licenses. See the licensing tab in the app for a list of them.

Aside from Open Alert Viewer itself, neither Open Alert Viewer nor OK Code Studio are endorsed by, nor affiliated with, the creators of the software referenced in this app, this app's source code, nor its documentation. While these may nominatively reference the names and logos of third party software, they are trademarked by their respective owners.