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Loopy: A Looping and Iteration Macro

loopy is a macro meant for iterating and looping. It is similar in usage to ~cl-loop~ but uses symbolic expressions rather than keywords.

For most use cases, loopy should be a nice substitute for cl-loop and complementary to the features provided by the Seq and CL libraries and Emacs’s regular looping and mapping features.

For detailed information, see the documentation file. This README is just an overview.

See also the extension package Loopy Dash, which provides destructuring using the library dash.el and is described in more detail below.

NOTE: Loopy is still in its latter middle stages.
Constructive criticism is welcome. If you see a place for improvement, please let me know.

Recent breaking changes:

  • Unreleased:
    • set now warns when it is not given a value. In the future, it will signal an error.
  • Version 0.14.0:
    • Conflicting initialization values for accumulation variables now signal a warning. In the future, they will signal an error.
    • The positional arguments to the numbers command have been removed, being deprecated since version 0.12.0.
    • Some built-in aliases have been made obsolete and will be removed from the list of built-in aliases in the future. They can still be added to the list of known aliases using loopy-defalias. See the changelog for more information.
    • seq and seq-ref now work on generic sequences and are separate commands from sequence and sequence-ref. sequence-index now uses seq-length.
    • Improved consistency of some keyword arguments:
      • The :unique keyword argument of the map and map-ref commands can now be evaluable at run time.
      • The :close argument of the iter command is now evaluable, instead of only being used during macro expansion.
      • The :close argument of the iter command is now evaluated at the beginning of the loop.
      • The :on-failure argument of the find command is now evaluated at the beginning of the loop.
    • Changed back to the old, slightly slower behavior of always initializing iteration variables to nil, instead of sometimes initializing to the expected value during the first iteration step. This affects cons, cycle, iter, numbers, seq-index, and substream.
  • See the change log for less recent changes.

Table of Contents


The loopy macro is used to generate code for a loop, similar to cl-loop. Unlike cl-loop, loopy uses parenthetical expressions instead of “clauses”.

;; A simple usage of `cl-loop':
(cl-loop for i from 1 to 10
         if (cl-evenp i) collect i into evens
         else collect i into odds
         end ; This `end' keyword is optional here.
         finally return (list odds evens))

;; How it could be done using `loopy':
(loopy (numbers i :from 1 :to 10)
       (if (cl-evenp i)
           (collect evens i)
         (collect odds i))
       (finally-return odds evens))

loopy supports destructuring for iteration commands like list and accumulation commands like sum or collect.

;; Summing the nth elements of sub-arrays:
;; => (8 10 12 14 16 18)
(loopy (list list-elem '(([1 2 3] [4 5 6])
                         ([7 8 9] [10 11 12])))
       (sum ([sum1 sum2 sum3] [sum4 sum5 sum6])
       (finally-return sum1 sum2 sum3 sum4 sum5 sum6))

;; Separate the elements of sub-list:
;; => ((1 3) (2 4))
(loopy (list i '((1 2) (3 4)))
       (collect (elem1 elem2) i)
       (finally-return elem1 elem2))

The loopy macro is configurable and extensible. In addition to writing one’s own “loop commands” (such as list in the example above), by using “flags”, one can choose whether to instead use pcase-let, seq-let, or even the Dash library for destructuring.

;; Use `pcase' to destructure array elements:
;; => ((1 2 3 4) (10 12 14) (11 13 15))
(loopy (flag pcase)
       (array (or `(,car . ,cdr) digit)
              [1 (10 . 11) 2 (12 . 13) 3 4 (14 . 15)])
       (if digit
           (collect digits digit)
         (collect cars car)
         (collect cdrs cdr))
       (finally-return digits cars cdrs))

;; Using the default destructuring:
;; => ((1 2 3 4) (10 12 14) (11 13 15))
(loopy (array elem [1 (10 . 11) 2 (12 . 13) 3 4 (14 . 15)])
       (if (numberp elem)
           (collect digits elem)
         (collect (cars . cdrs) elem))
       (finally-return digits cars cdrs))

Variables like cars, cdrs, and digits in the example above are automatically let-bound so as to not affect code outside of the loop.

loopy has arguments for binding (or not binding) variables, executing code before or after the loop, executing code only if the loop completes, and for setting the macro’s return value (default: nil). This is in addition to the looping features themselves.

All of this makes loopy a useful and convenient choice for looping and iteration.

Similar Libraries

Loopy is not the only Lisp library that uses parenthetical expressions instead of keyword clauses (as in cl-loop). Iterate and For are two examples from Common Lisp.

;; Collecting 10 random numbers:

;; cl-loop (Emacs Lisp)
(cl-loop repeat 10 collect (random 10))

;; loopy (Loopy)
(loopy (repeat 10) (collect (random 10)))

;; iterate (Common Lisp)
(iterate (repeat 10) (collect (random 10)))

;; for (Common Lisp)
(for:for ((i repeat 10) (randoms collecting (random 10))))

Generally, all of the packages handle basic use cases in similar ways. One large difference is that iterate can embed its looping constructs in arbitrary code. Loopy currently provides this feature as a separate macro, loopy-iter, which expands looping constructs using macroexpand (see Loop Commands in Arbitrary Code in this README).

Loopy is not yet feature complete. Please request features or report problems in this project’s issues tracker. While basic uses are covered, some of the more niche features of cl-loop and iterate are still being added.

How to Install

Loopy can be installed from Non-GNU ELPA and MELPA as the package loopy. The optional package loopy-dash can be installed to enable using the Dash library for destructuring (instead of other methods).

(use-package loopy)

;; Optional support for destructuring with Dash.
(use-package loopy-dash
  :after (loopy)
  :demand t)

To load all of the alternative destructuring libraries (see section Multiple Kinds of Destructuring) and the alternative macro form (see section Loop Commands in Arbitrary Code), use

(use-package loopy
  (require 'loopy-iter)
  (require 'loopy-pcase)
  (require 'loopy-seq))

(use-package loopy-dash
  :after (loopy)
  :demand t)

Multiple Kinds of Destructuring

The default destructuring system is a super-set of what cl-lib provides and is described in the section Basic Destructuring in the documentation.

In addition to the built-in destructuring style, loopy can optionally use destructuring provided by pcase-let, seq-let, and the dash library. This provides greater flexibility and allows you to use destructuring patterns that you’re already familiar with.

These features can be enabled with “flags”, described in the section Using Flags in the documentation.

Here are a few examples that demonstrate how loopy can use destructuring with accumulation commands.

(require 'loopy-dash)
;; => (((1 (2 3)) (4 (5 6))) ; whole
;;     (1 4)                 ; i
;;     (3 6))                ; k
(loopy (flag dash)
       (list elem '((1 (2 3)) (4 (5 6))))
       (collect (whole &as i (_ k)) elem)
       (finally-return whole i k))

;; = > ((3 5) (4 6))
(loopy (flag dash)
       (list (&plist :a a  :b b)
             '((:a 3  :b 4 :c 7) (:g 8 :a 5 :b 6)))
       (collect a-vals a)
       (collect b-vals b)
       (finally-return a-vals b-vals))

(require 'loopy-pcase)
;; => ((1 4) (3 6))
(loopy (flag pcase)
       (list elem '((1 (2 3)) (4 (5 6))))
       (collect `(,a (,_ ,b)) elem)
       (finally-return a b))

;; => ((1 6) (3 8) ([4 5] [9 10]))
(require 'loopy-seq)
(loopy (flag seq)
       (list elem '([1 2 3 4 5] [6 7 8 9 10]))
       (collect [a _ b &rest c] elem)
       (finally-return a b c))

For more on how dash does destructuring, see their documentation on the -let expression.

Loop Commands in Arbitrary Code

The macro loopy-iter can be used to embed loop commands in arbitrary code. It is similar in use to Common Lisp’s Iterate macro, but it is not a port of Iterate to Emacs Lisp.

(require 'loopy-iter)

;; => ((1 2 3) (-3 -2 -1) (0))
;; Things to node:
;; - `accum-opt' produces more efficient accumulations for names variables
;; - `cycling' is another name for `repeat'
;; => ((-9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1)
;;     (0)
;;     (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11))
(loopy-iter (accum-opt positives negatives zeroes)
            (numbering i :from -10 :to 10)
            ;; Normal `let' and `pcase', not Loopy constructs:
            (let ((var (1+ i)))
              (pcase var
                ((pred cl-plusp)  (collecting positives var))
                ((pred cl-minusp) (collecting negatives var))
                ((pred zerop)     (collecting zeroes var))))
            (finally-return negatives zeroes positives))

;; => 6
(loopy-iter (listing elem '(1 2 3))
            (funcall #'(lambda (x) (summing x))

For more on this, see the documentation.

Adding Custom Commands

It is easy to create custom commands for Loopy. To see how, see the section Custom Commands in the documentation.

Comparing to cl-loop

See the documentation page Comparing to ~cl-loop~. See also the wiki page Speed Comparisons.

Real-World Examples

See the wiki page Examples.


A better looping and iteration macro for Emacs.








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