17:15 - Enable Gmail API on all current dependecies of the Foundation library
+++ 17:02 - Incident resolved
17:00 - All accumulated session summaries are sent
--- 14:07 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 13:57 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 10:01 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:37 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:29 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:21 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:12 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:07 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:04 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
--- 23:02 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2019/01/17 23:02
23:00 - Large amount of tutor log reports generated due to 2nd quarter tutor-a-thon
+++ 21:46 - Incident resolved
21:45 - All accumulated session summaries are sent
--- 20:09 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2018/12/18 21:00
--- 17:56 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2018/12/18 21:00
17:03 - All accumulated session summaries are sent
--- 08:16 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2018/12/18 21:00
--- 22:00 - Delayed tutor log reports. Expect resuming normal operation by 2018/12/18 21:00
21:33 - Incident summary approved by HR and sent to teachers involved
21:24 - Center tutor session counts sent to teachers
20:53 - All accumulated session summaries are sent
+++ 20:16 - Error has been fixed
--- 20:06 - Identified an error that caused center tutor logs not sent between 2018/12/5~17