VEI edge gateway (Golang) and clients (Python) as described in our Middlewedge 2022 paper, ""VEI: A Multicloud Edge Gateway for Computer Vision in IoT"
Authors: Samantha Luu, Arun Ravindran, Armin Danesh Pazho, and Hamed Tabkhi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UNC Charlotte
Installation instructions
Dependencies: Docker, Golang, Python3, gRPC (For Go and Python, Other dependencies: As specified in the imports $ pip3 install opencv-python
api/VEIv1_0.proto: VEI APIs server.go: VEI RPC server RPC client that captures webcam image and publishes to VEI RPC client that ubscribes images from VEI, calls YOLO service for object recogntion, and publishes objects to Cloud (AWS IoT Core, GCP IoT Core)
Run NATS streaming as a Docker container at standard NATS port $ sudo docker run -d --rm --name nats -p 4222:4222 nats
Run application as a container at port 8080. As an example, we use the YOLOv3 container published by Johannes Tang Kristensen $ sudo docker run -d --rm --name yolo_service -p 8080:8080 johannestang/yolo_service:1.0-yolov3_coco
Check if containers are running $ sudo docker container ls
Create an images directory. YOLOv3 reads video frames from this directory $ mkdir images
Change cloud parameters according to your setup in server.go
For AWS - Use AWS CLI to create AWS IoT Core Thing
Store credentials and configuration ~/.aws/credentials [default] aws_access_key_id= aws_secret_access_key=
~/.aws/config [default] region= output=json
Insert the endpoint obtained above in connectToAWSIoT() in server.go On the AWS IoT Core console, under Test, MQTT Test client, specify the topic (for example, camera1 from to subscribe, and click Subscribe to topic
To run, from 3 terminals on the edge server- $ go run server.go $ python3 $ python3
The object recognition output from the individual camera frames should appear on the AWS IoT Core subscription
GCP IoT Core follows a conceptually similar setup. Google will be retiring this service in Aug 2023.