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offsoc authored Mar 2, 2025
2 parents 68ac414 + 079c9ed commit de4f497
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Showing 33 changed files with 880 additions and 272 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ packages:
, tools/db/find-undead/
, tools/db/inconsistencies/
, tools/db/migrate-sso-feature-flag/
, tools/db/migrate-features/
, tools/db/move-team/
, tools/db/phone-users/
, tools/db/repair-handles/
Expand Down
31 changes: 30 additions & 1 deletion changelog.d/0-release-notes/simplify-feature-table
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,30 @@
This release introduces a new data storage format for team features and a corresponding migration. While the migration is running, team features are going to operate in read-only mode for the team that is currently being migrated. After migration, the new storage is going to be used. No special action should be required on the part of instance operators.
This release introduces a new data storage format for team features and a corresponding migration. To migrate to the new format, a new tool called `migrate-features` has been added. This tool needs to be run after deployment of this release, and before deploying the next release.

While the migration tool is running, team features are going to operate in read-only mode for the team that is currently being migrated. After migration, the new storage is going to be used. No other action should be required on the part of instance operators besides running the migration tool.

This tool can be run in kubernetes using a job like this:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: migrate-features
namespace: <namespace>
- name: migrate-features
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 4
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions changelog.d/2-features/WPB-16142
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
For SAML authenticated users: Do not require email verification for registered email domains.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions changelog.d/3-bug-fixes/WPB-16333
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Prevent guest users from migrating to teams
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion hack/bin/cassandra_dump_schema
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ def main():

ks = []
for line in s.splitlines():
ks.append(re.split('\s+', line))
ks.append(re.split(r'\s+', line))

keyspaces = transpose(ks)
print("-- automatically generated with `make git-add-cassandra-schema`\n")
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions integration/test/API/BrigInternal.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,11 @@ getUsersId domain ids = do
req <- baseRequest domain Brig Unversioned "/i/users"
submit "GET" $ req & addQueryParams [("ids", intercalate "," ids)]

getUsersByEmail :: (HasCallStack, MakesValue domain) => domain -> [String] -> App Response
getUsersByEmail domain emails = do
req <- baseRequest domain Brig Unversioned "/i/users"
submit "GET" $ req & addQueryParams [("email", intercalate "," emails)]

data FedConn = FedConn
{ domain :: String,
searchStrategy :: String,
Expand Down
56 changes: 48 additions & 8 deletions integration/test/SetupHelpers.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import Test.DNSMock
import Testlib.JSON
import Testlib.Prelude
import Testlib.Printing (indent)
import Text.Regex.TDFA ((=~))
import qualified Text.XML as XML
import qualified Text.XML.Cursor as XML
import qualified Text.XML.DSig as SAML
Expand All @@ -46,6 +47,14 @@ randomUser domain cu = bindResponse (createUser domain cu) $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 201

ephemeralUser :: (HasCallStack, MakesValue domain) => domain -> App Value
ephemeralUser domain = do
name <- randomName
req <- baseRequest domain Brig Versioned "/register"
bindResponse (submit "POST" $ req & addJSONObject ["name" .= name] & addHeader "X-Forwarded-For" "") $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 201

deleteUser :: (HasCallStack, MakesValue user) => user -> App ()
deleteUser user = bindResponse (API.Brig.deleteUser user) $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -430,19 +439,20 @@ registerTestIdPWithMetaWithPrivateCreds owner = do
-- | Given a team configured with saml sso, attempt a login with valid credentials. This
-- function simulates client *and* IdP (instead of talking to an IdP). It can be used to test
-- scim-provisioned users as well as saml auto-provisioning without scim.
loginWithSaml :: (HasCallStack) => Bool -> String -> String -> (String, (SAML.IdPMetadata, SAML.SignPrivCreds)) -> App ()
loginWithSaml :: (HasCallStack) => Bool -> String -> String -> (String, (SAML.IdPMetadata, SAML.SignPrivCreds)) -> App (Maybe String, SAML.SignedAuthnResponse)
loginWithSaml expectSuccess tid email (iid, (meta, privcreds)) = do
let idpConfig = SAML.IdPConfig (SAML.IdPId (fromMaybe (error "invalid idp id") (UUID.fromString iid))) meta ()
spmeta <- getSPMetadata OwnDomain tid
authnreq <- initiateSamlLogin OwnDomain iid
let nameId = fromRight (error "could not create name id") $ SAML.emailNameID (cs email)
authnResp <- runSimpleSP $ SAML.mkAuthnResponseWithSubj nameId privcreds idpConfig (toSPMetaData spmeta.body) (parseAuthnReqResp authnreq.body) True
finalizeSamlLogin OwnDomain tid authnResp `bindResponse` validateLoginResp
mUid <- finalizeSamlLogin OwnDomain tid authnResp `bindResponse` validateLoginResp
pure (mUid, authnResp)
toSPMetaData :: ByteString -> SAML.SPMetadata
toSPMetaData bs = fromRight (error "could not decode spmetatdata") $ SAML.decode $ cs bs

validateLoginResp :: (HasCallStack) => Response -> App ()
validateLoginResp :: (HasCallStack) => Response -> App (Maybe String)
validateLoginResp resp =
if expectSuccess
then do
Expand All @@ -467,12 +477,23 @@ loginWithSaml expectSuccess tid email (iid, (meta, privcreds)) = do
bdy `shouldContain` "}, receiverOrigin)"
hasPersistentCookieHeader resp

hasPersistentCookieHeader :: Response -> App ()
hasPersistentCookieHeader :: Response -> App (Maybe String)
hasPersistentCookieHeader rsp = do
let cookie = getCookie "zuid" rsp
case cookie of
Nothing -> expectSuccess `shouldMatch` False
Just _ -> expectSuccess `shouldMatch` True
let mCookie = getCookie "zuid" rsp
case mCookie of
Nothing -> do
expectSuccess `shouldMatch` False
pure Nothing
Just cookie -> do
expectSuccess `shouldMatch` True
pure $ getUserIdFromCookie cookie

getUserIdFromCookie :: String -> Maybe String
getUserIdFromCookie cookie = do
let regex = "u=([0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12})"
case cookie =~ regex :: [[String]] of
[[_, uuid]] -> Just uuid
_ -> Nothing

runSimpleSP :: SAML.SimpleSP a -> App a
runSimpleSP action = liftIO $ do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -549,3 +570,22 @@ setupOwnershipToken domain registrationDomain = do
resp.json %. "domain_ownership_token" & asString

pure $ DomainRegistrationSetup challenge.dnsToken challenge.technitiumToken ownershipToken

activateEmail :: (HasCallStack, MakesValue domain) => domain -> String -> App ()
activateEmail domain email = do
(actkey, code) <- bindResponse (getActivationCode domain email) $ \res -> do
<$> (res.json %. "key" >>= asString)
<*> (res.json %. "code" >>= asString)
API.Brig.activate domain actkey code >>= assertSuccess

registerInvitedUser :: (HasCallStack, MakesValue domain) => domain -> String -> String -> App ()
registerInvitedUser domain tid email = do
getInvitationByEmail domain email
>>= getJSON 200
>>= getInvitationCodeForTeam domain tid
>>= getJSON 200
>>= (%. "code")
>>= asString
>>= registerUser domain email
>>= assertSuccess
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions integration/test/Test/DomainVerification.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import API.Brig
import API.BrigInternal
import API.Common
import API.GalleyInternal (setTeamFeatureLockStatus, setTeamFeatureStatus)
import API.Spar
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import SetupHelpers
import Test.DNSMock
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -504,3 +505,172 @@ testGetDomainRegistrationUserExists = do
resp.json %. "domain_redirect" `shouldMatch` "none"
lookupField resp.json "backend_url" `shouldMatch` (Nothing :: Maybe String)
resp.json %. "due_to_existing_account" `shouldMatch` True

testSsoLoginNoEmailVerification :: (HasCallStack) => App ()
testSsoLoginNoEmailVerification = do
(owner, tid, _) <- createTeam OwnDomain 1
emailDomain <- randomDomain

assertSuccess =<< do
setTeamFeatureLockStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "unlocked"
setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "enabled"

setup <- setupOwnershipToken OwnDomain emailDomain
authorizeTeam owner emailDomain setup.ownershipToken >>= assertSuccess

void $ setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "sso" "enabled"
(idp, idpMeta) <- registerTestIdPWithMetaWithPrivateCreds owner
idpId <- asString $ idp.json %. "id"

updateTeamInvite owner emailDomain (object ["team_invite" .= "not-allowed", "sso" .= idpId]) >>= assertSuccess

let email = "user@" <> emailDomain
(Just uid, _) <- loginWithSaml True tid email (idpId, idpMeta)
getUsersId OwnDomain [uid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

getUsersByEmail OwnDomain [email] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

otherEmailDomain <- randomDomain
let otherEmail = "otherUser@" <> otherEmailDomain
(Just otherUid, _) <- loginWithSaml True tid otherEmail (idpId, idpMeta)

getUsersId OwnDomain [otherUid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
lookupField user "email" `shouldMatch` (Nothing :: Maybe String)

getUsersByEmail OwnDomain [otherEmail] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
res.json >>= asList >>= shouldBeEmpty

activateEmail OwnDomain otherEmail
getUsersId OwnDomain [otherUid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` otherEmail

testScimOnlyWithRegisteredEmailDomain :: (HasCallStack) => App ()
testScimOnlyWithRegisteredEmailDomain = do
(owner, tid, _) <- createTeam OwnDomain 1
emailDomain <- randomDomain

assertSuccess =<< do
setTeamFeatureLockStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "unlocked"
setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "enabled"

setup <- setupOwnershipToken OwnDomain emailDomain
authorizeTeam owner emailDomain setup.ownershipToken >>= assertSuccess

updateTeamInvite owner emailDomain (object ["team_invite" .= "team", "team" .= tid]) >>= assertSuccess

tok <- createScimToken owner def >>= getJSON 200 >>= (%. "token") >>= asString
let email = "user@" <> emailDomain
extId = email
scimUser <- randomScimUserWith extId email
uid <- bindResponse (createScimUser owner tok scimUser) $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 201
resp.json %. "id" >>= asString
registerInvitedUser OwnDomain tid email
bindResponse (login OwnDomain email defPassword) $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
getUsersId OwnDomain [uid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email
getUsersByEmail OwnDomain [email] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

testScimAndSamlWithRegisteredEmailDomain :: (HasCallStack) => App ()
testScimAndSamlWithRegisteredEmailDomain = do
(owner, tid, _) <- createTeam OwnDomain 1
emailDomain <- randomDomain

assertSuccess =<< do
setTeamFeatureLockStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "unlocked"
setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "enabled"

setup <- setupOwnershipToken OwnDomain emailDomain
authorizeTeam owner emailDomain setup.ownershipToken >>= assertSuccess

void $ setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "sso" "enabled"
(idp, idpMeta) <- registerTestIdPWithMetaWithPrivateCreds owner
idpId <- asString $ idp.json %. "id"

updateTeamInvite owner emailDomain (object ["team_invite" .= "not-allowed", "sso" .= idpId]) >>= assertSuccess

tok <-
createScimToken owner def {idp = Just idpId}
>>= getJSON 200
>>= (%. "token")
>>= asString
let email = "user@" <> emailDomain
extId = email
scimUser <- randomScimUserWith extId email
uid <- bindResponse (createScimUser owner tok scimUser) $ \resp -> do
resp.status `shouldMatchInt` 201
resp.json %. "id" >>= asString
void $ loginWithSaml True tid email (idpId, idpMeta)

getUsersId OwnDomain [uid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

getUsersByEmail OwnDomain [email] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

testVerificationRequiredIfEmailDomainRedirectNotSso :: (HasCallStack) => App ()
testVerificationRequiredIfEmailDomainRedirectNotSso = do
(owner, tid, _) <- createTeam OwnDomain 1
emailDomain <- randomDomain

assertSuccess =<< do
setTeamFeatureLockStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "unlocked"
setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "domainRegistration" "enabled"

setup <- setupOwnershipToken OwnDomain emailDomain
authorizeTeam owner emailDomain setup.ownershipToken >>= assertSuccess

void $ setTeamFeatureStatus owner tid "sso" "enabled"
(idp, idpMeta) <- registerTestIdPWithMetaWithPrivateCreds owner
idpId <- asString $ idp.json %. "id"

updateTeamInvite owner emailDomain (object ["team_invite" .= "team", "team" .= tid]) >>= assertSuccess

let email = "user@" <> emailDomain
(Just uid, _) <- loginWithSaml True tid email (idpId, idpMeta)

getUsersId OwnDomain [uid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
lookupField user "email" `shouldMatch` (Nothing :: Maybe String)

getUsersByEmail OwnDomain [email] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
res.json >>= asList >>= shouldBeEmpty

activateEmail OwnDomain email
getUsersId OwnDomain [uid] `bindResponse` \res -> do
res.status `shouldMatchInt` 200
user <- res.json >>= asList >>= assertOne
user %. "status" `shouldMatch` "active"
user %. "email" `shouldMatch` email

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