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Game Rules

Wouter Pauwels edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 11 revisions

In versions of Artifacts for Minecraft 1.20.6 and above, the game rules on this page have been replaced by a config file and an in-game config screen. On Fabric, Mod Menu is required to access this config screen.

Starting from Minecraft 1.19.3, Artifacts provides several game rules which can be used to change the effects of items or make them cosmetic-only, replacing the server config options available in older Forge versions of the mod. As of version 10.0.10, Artifacts has the following game rules:

Item Game Rule Name Default Value Description
Antidote Vessel artifacts.antidoteVessel.enabled True Whether the antidote vessel is enabled
artifacts.antidoteVessel.maxEffectDuration 5 seconds The maximum duration a negative status effect can last on a player wearing the antidote vessel
Aqua Dashers artifacts.aquaDashers.enabled True Whether the Aqua Dashers allow the player to sprint on fluids
Bunny Hoppers artifacts.bunnyHoppers.doCancelFallDamage True Whether the bunny hoppers cancel the player's fall damage
artifacts.bunnyHoppers.jumpBoostLevel 2 The level of the jump boost status effect applied by the Bunny Hoppers. Set this game rule to 0 and doCancelFallDamage to false to make this item cosmetic-only
Charm of Sinking artifacts.charmOfSinking.enabled True Whether the Charm of Sinking is enabled
Chorus Totem artifacts.chorusTotem.cooldown 0 seconds The amount of seconds the Chorus Totem goes on cooldown for after activating.
artifacts.chorusTotem.doConsumeOnUse True Whether the Chorus Totem is consumed after activating.
artifacts.chorusTotem.healthRestored 10 health points The amount of health that is restored when the Chorus Totem is activated
artifacts.chorusTotem.teleportationChance 100% The probability that the Chorus Totem activates when the player dies. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Cloud in a Bottle artifacts.cloudInABottle.enabled True Whether the Cloud in a Bottle is enabled
artifacts.cloudInABottle.sprintJumpHorizontalVelocity 50% The amount of additional horizontal momentum the player gets when double jumping
artifacts.cloudInABottle.sprintJumpVerticalVelocity 50% The amount of additional vertical momentum the player gets when double jumping
Cowboy Hat artifacts.cowboyHat.speedLevel 2 The level of the speed status effect that is applied by the Cowboy Hat
Cross Necklace artifacts.crossNecklace.bonusInvincibilityTicks 20 ticks The number of additional ticks the player stays invincible after taking damage. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Cross Necklace artifacts.crossNecklace.cooldown 0 seconds The amount of seconds the Cross Necklace goes on cooldown for after taking damage
Crystal Heart artifacts.crystalHeart.healthBonus 10 health points The amount of additional health points the Crystal Heart applies to the player. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Digging Claws artifacts.diggingClaws.digSpeedBonus 32 The amount of increased digging speed granted by the Digging Claws
artifacts.diggingClaws.toolTier 2 (Stone) When wearing the Digging Claws, the player can harvest any block that requires this tier of tool to harvest. 0 for None, 1 for Wood, 2 for Stone, 3 for Iron, 4 for Diamond and 5 for Netherite. Set this game rule to 0 and digSpeedBonus to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Everlasting Beef, Eternal Steak artifacts.everlastingBeef.enabled
true Whether the Everlasting Beef/Eternal Steak can be eaten
15 seconds The amount of time in seconds the Everlasting Beef/Eternal Steak goes on cooldown for after being eaten
Feral Claws artifacts.feralClaws.attackSpeedBonus 40% The amount of additional attack speed applied by the Feral Claws. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Fire Gauntlet artifacts.fireGauntlet.fireDuration 8 seconds The amount of seconds entities are set on fire for after being hit. Set this game rule to 0 to disable this item
Flame Pendant artifacts.flamePendant.cooldown 0 seconds The amount of time in seconds the Flame Pendant goes on cooldown for after setting an entity on fire
artifacts.flamePendant.doGrantFireResistance True Whether this item grants fire resistance after setting an entity on fire, for the duration of the fire
artifacts.flamePendant.fireDuration 10 seconds The amount of time in seconds entities are set on fire for
artifacts.flamePendant.strikeChance 40% The probability that an attacking entity is set on fire. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Flippers artifacts.flippers.swimSpeedBonus 100% The amount of additional swim speed applied by the Flippers to the player. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Golden Hook artifacts.goldenHook.experienceBonus 75% The amount of additional experience that is dropped after killing an entity. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Helium Flamingo artifacts.heliumFlamingo.flightDuration 8 seconds The amount of time in seconds the player can fly before needing to recharge. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
artifacts.heliumFlamingo.rechargeDuration 15 seconds The amount of time in seconds it takes for the Helium Flamingo to recharge
Kitty Slippers artifacts.kittySlippers.enabled True Whether the Kitty Slippers are enabled
Lucky Scarf artifacts.luckyScarf.fortuneBonus 1 The amount of additional levels of fortune that are applied when breaking a block. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Night Vision Goggles artifacts.nightVisionGoggles.strength 25% Affects the brightness of the night vision effect applied by the night vision goggles. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Obsidian Skull artifacts.obsidianSkull.fireResistanceCooldown 60 seconds The amount time in seconds the Obsidian Skull goes on cooldown for after taking fire damage
artifacts.obsidianSkull.fireResistanceDuration 30 seconds The duration of the fire resistance effect applied after taking fire damage. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Onion Ring artifacts.onionRing.hasteDurationPerFoodPoint 6 seconds The amount of seconds of Haste the player gets per food point worth of food eaten. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
artifacts.onionRing.hasteLevel 2 The level of the haste status effect applied by the onion ring
Panic Necklace artifacts.panicNecklace.cooldown 0 seconds The amount time in seconds the Panic Necklace goes on cooldown for after taking damage
artifacts.panicNecklace.speedDuration 8 seconds The duration of the speed status effect applied by the Panic Necklace
artifacts.panicNecklace.speedLevel 1 The level of the speed status effect applied by the Panic Necklace
Pickaxe Heater artifacts.pickaxeHeater.enabled True Whether the effects of this item are enabled
Plastic Drinking Hat, Novelty Drinking Hat artifacts.plasticDrinkingHat.drinkingDurationMultiplier
30% The amount of time the use animation of a drinkable item is reduced to, as a percentage of the normal use duration
60% The amount of time the use animation of an edible item is reduced to, as a percentage of the normal use duration. Set this game rule and drinkingDurationMultiplier to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Pocket Piston artifacts.pocketPiston.knockbackStrength 15 The amount of additional knockback applied to struck entities. Set this game rule to 0 to disable this item
Power Glove artifacts.powerGlove.attackDamageBonus 4 damage The amount of extra damage that is applied when hitting entities
Rooted Boots artifacts.rootedBoots.doGrowPlantsAfterEating True Whether a bone meal effect is applied when a player eats food while standing on grass with the Rooted Boots
artifacts.rootedBoots.enabled True Whether the effects of this item are enabled
artifacts.rootedBoots.hungerReplenishingDuration 15 seconds The time it takes to restore a single point of hunger while wearing the Rooted Boots
Running Shoes artifacts.runningShoes.doIncreaseStepHeight True Whether the step height of the player is increased by the Running Shoes
artifacts.runningShoes.speedBonus 40% The amount of additional speed granted by the Running Shoes. Set this game rule to 0 and doIncreaseStepHeight to False to make this item cosmetic-only
Scarf of Invisibility artifacts.scarfOfInvisibility.enabled True Whether the Scarf of Invisibility makes the player Invisible
Shock Pendant artifacts.shockPendant.cooldown 0 seconds The amount of time in seconds the Shock Pendant goes on cooldown for after summoning a lightning bolt
artifacts.shockPendant.doCancelLightningDamage True Whether the Shock Pendant makes the player immune to lightning damage
artifacts.shockPendant.strikeChance 25% The probability that lightning strikes an attacking entity. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Snorkel artifacts.snorkel.waterBreathingDuration 15 seconds The amount of time the player can stay underwater before their air meter starts depleting. Set this game rule to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
artifacts.snorkel.isInfinite True Whether the snorkel provides infinite water breathing
Snowshoes artifacts.snowshoes.allowWalkingOnPowderSnow True Whether players wearing the Snowshoes can walk on powdered snow
artifacts.snowshoes.slipperinessReduction 100% How much the slipperiness of ice is decreased when wearing the Snowshoes. Set this game rule to 0 and allowWalkingOnPowderSnow to false to make this item cosmetic-only
Steadfast Spikes artifacts.steadfastSpikes.enabled True Whether the Steadfast Spikes are enabled
artifacts.steadfastSpikes.knockbackResistance 10 The amount of knockback resistance this item applies to the player
Superstitious Hat artifacts.superstitiousHat.lootingLevelBonus 1 The amount of additional levels of looting that are applied when the player kills an entity
Thorn Pendant artifacts.thornPendant.cooldown 0 seconds The amount of time in seconds the Thorn Pendant goes on cooldown for after damaging an attacking entity
artifacts.thornPendant.maxDamage 6 damage The maximum amount of damage dealt by this item
artifacts.thornPendant.minDamage 2 damage The minimum amount of damage dealt by this item
artifacts.thornPendant.strikeChance 50% The probability that an attacking entity takes damage. Set this game rule or maxDamage to 0 to make this item cosmetic-only
Umbrella artifacts.umbrella.isGlider True Whether holding the Umbrella slows the player's descent
artifacts.umbrella.isShield True Whether the Umbrella can be used as a shield
Universal Attractor artifacts.universalAttractor.enabled True Whether the Universal Attractor is enabled
Vampiric Glove artifacts.vampiricGlove.absorptionChance 100% The probability that health is absorbed after striking an entity
artifacts.vampiricGlove.absorptionRatio 20% The amount of health that is absorbed, as a percentage of the total damage dealt
artifacts.vampiricGlove.maxHealingPerHit 6 health points The maximum amount of health points that can be absorbed in a single hit
Villager Hat artifacts.villagerHat.reputationBonus 100 The amount of additional reputation the player has when trading with villagers
Whoopee Cushion artifacts.whoopeeCushion.fartChance 12% The probability that a fart sound plays when the player starts sneaking
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