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this is a url shortening website based on the challenge by

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Frontend Mentor - Shortly URL Shortening API Challenge solution

This is a solution to the Shortly URL shortening API Challenge challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents


The challenge

Users should be able to:

  • View the optimal layout for the site depending on their device's screen size
  • Shorten any valid URL
  • See a list of their shortened links, even after refreshing the browser
  • Copy the shortened link to their clipboard in a single click
  • Receive an error message when the form is submitted if:
    • The input field is empty



My process

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • Flexbox
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • VueJs - JS library
  • VueX - State management pattern and library
  • SCSS - For styles

What I learned

How to work with slots to create reusable html components elements. Style once, Pass down content using named slots.

  <div class="shorten flex">
      <slot name="original-link" />
    <hr />
    <p ref="shortenedLink">
      <slot name="shortened-link" />
    <a ref="copyButton" @click="copyLink">Copy</a>

Opening and closing of the hamburger menu on mobile was a masterclass on my part 😆

.open {
  > span:first-child {
    transform: rotate(45deg);

  > span:nth-child(2) {
    opacity: 0;

  > span:last-child {
    transform: rotate(-45deg);

Continued development

  • Get to work more with animations
  • Write more markdown on other projects

Useful resources

  • vuex-persistedstate - This NPM package helped me persist shortened links through the use of cookies. Made it easier to do.

Note: Delete this note and replace the list above with resources that helped you during the challenge. These could come in handy for anyone viewing your solution or for yourself when you look back on this project in the future.



this is a url shortening website based on the challenge by






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