What's Changed
- feat: Added Body model (e.g., Star, Galaxy, Nebulae etc.) by @michealroberts in #1
- feat: Added Body pydantic schema (e.g., Star, Galaxy, Nebulae etc.) by @michealroberts in #2
- fix: Added correct Column names to Body model. by @michealroberts in #3
- fix: Added correct comment to Body.d field. by @michealroberts in #5
- feat: Added Body.simbad field. by @michealroberts in #6
- feat: Added a utility function to get the project ROOT_DIR. by @michealroberts in #7
- fix: Updated typing to utilise the Optional type for python <= 3.9.* by @michealroberts in #8
- feat: Added BodyCreate schema by @michealroberts in #9
- feat: Added traefik HTTPS proxy support on localhost. by @michealroberts in #10
- chore(docker): Added backend network for API & db by @michealroberts in #11
- fix: Removed unsupported default utf8 collation from Body model. by @michealroberts in #12
- fix: Added default UUID generation from uuid.uuiv4() call. by @michealroberts in #13
- feat: Added BodyUpdate schema by @michealroberts in #14
- feat: Added ORJSONResponse as app default response class. by @michealroberts in #15
- feat: Added CRUDBody by @michealroberts in #16
- fix: Added correct UUID type and Optional[float] = None types. by @michealroberts in #17
- feat: Added PaginatedResponse class. by @michealroberts in #18
- chore: Using fastapi.responses.ORJSONResponse as default response class. by @michealroberts in #20
- feat: Added get_count() to the CRUDBase class. by @michealroberts in #19
- feat: Added the ability to paginate with QueryParam args. by @michealroberts in #21
- fix: Added improvements to the PaginatedResponse for cursor pagination. by @michealroberts in #22
- feat: Added trigram similarity extension to postgres. by @michealroberts in #24
- feat: Added get_filter_query() class method to CRUDBody. by @michealroberts in #23
- feat: Added initial migration revision of Body model. by @michealroberts in #25
- feat: Added data seeding scripts for Body model. by @michealroberts in #26
- feat: Added /api/v1/bodies endpoint to the API. by @michealroberts in #27
- feat: Improved the get_multi() call to return a Tuple of query, count. by @michealroberts in #30
- feat: Added altitude @hybrid_method.expression to Body. by @michealroberts in #31
- feat: Added the ability to filter bodies on dynamic altitude. by @michealroberts in #32
- feat: Added SentryAsgiMiddleware(). by @michealroberts in #34
- feat: Added CustomXHeadersMiddleware(). by @michealroberts in #35
- feat: Added altitude search params specification. by @michealroberts in #33
- feat: Updated BodyBase with pydantic Field schema. by @michealroberts in #36
- feat: Ensured star types match SIMBAD Astronomical Database types by default. by @michealroberts in #37
- feat: Added TrustedHostMiddleware(). by @michealroberts in #38
- feat: Updated test suite to use async with httpx.AsyncClient(). by @michealroberts in #39
- feat: Added aioredis and FastAPICache.init() to app. by @michealroberts in #40
- feat: Added enhancements to lexicology around queryParams. by @michealroberts in #41
- feat: Added settings.HTTPS_REDIRECT env boolean to config.py. by @michealroberts in #42
- feat: Added API base RedirectResponse() for "/" => "/api/v1" route. by @michealroberts in #43
- feat: Refined the name lookup to include Body { iau } field. by @michealroberts in #44
- ci: Updated the traefik.http.routers.web.rule Host in local.yaml. by @michealroberts in #45
- chore: Updated the BACKEND_CORS_ORIGINS for client browser connections. by @michealroberts in #46
- feat: Added { start, end } Optional fields to BodyQueryParams by @michealroberts in #47
- feat: Added the ability to filter bodies on { start, end } on dynamic altitude. by @michealroberts in #48
- feat: Added query.order_by() apparent magnitude { body.m } field. by @michealroberts in #49
- feat: Added seeder for minorStars and peripheralStars. by @michealroberts in #50
New Contributors
- @michealroberts made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: https://github.com/observerly/perseus/commits/0.0.0