This project shows how to perform testing of a REST web service using the Robot framework.
A PC (windows, macOS, linux) with a python3.8 installation is suggested. A virtual env for this project should be created, e.g. with the command
python3 -m venv flask-rest
The required python modules need to be installed in the virtual environment, e.g. with the commands
activate flask-rest
cd <git clone folder of this project>
pip install -r requirements.txt
The server is implemented as a flask app. It can be started e.g. in PyCharm with a right click on and selecting run.
The server can be tested with the curl command. Hint for windows users: curl is installed with git.
A test is started with the robot command which takes a .robot file as argument that contains the test suite
robot client\api.robot
RF uses a keyword driven test approach. In the example the keywords Create Session and Get On Session are used to perform a REST get request in a test case called Get Entries:
Get Entries
Create Session api http://localhost:5000
${resp} Get On Session api /entries
It is possible to write BDD test with Robot Framework. The example api_robot.robot demonstrates this using an BDD-keyword implementation layer api_kw.robot.