A web application that digitizes buying and selling among students.
This web application digitizes buying and selling among students within the American University of Nigeria. Even though it's built with the above institution in mind, this project can be easily adapted for any school.
In my school there are lots of students who own small businesses on campus, but most times the students who are suppose to be the target market of these businesses don't even know that these businesses exist. This project seeks to bridge this gap. The ultimate goal is to help business owners on campus sell more and for buyers to easily discover products/services they seek.
In addition to the traditional way(email and password), this platform also allows social-authentication with Google. Logged in users could create/update/delete adverts, contact a seller, search for a product/service, review a seller or save products in their wish list. Users could also create and update their profiles. Super users could access the admin view where they could delete ads or users among
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- clone project to your local machine
- navigate to the project's root directory
- Then run the following commands :
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
npm run test
npm run lint
npm run test:unit
- navigate to the project's backend folder
- Then create a virtual environemnt and install all the project dependencies in the pipfile using the command :
pipenv install
If the command above throws an error, then you most likely do not have pipenv installed. In that case use the command below to install pipenv.
pip install pipenv
Upon completion run the first command again
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
coming soon..