Releases: nyaruka/goflow
78aefb5 Update for v0.10.3
0ae6a34 Merge pull request #294 from nyaruka/legacy_fixes
96676df Add benchmark test for evaluating expressions with errors
16e7e39 Merge branch 'master' into legacy_fixes
d560b64 Merge pull request #296 from nyaruka/disable_webhooks
b92c79a Merge pull request #295 from nyaruka/sticky_fix
1ba0f2a Merge branch 'master' into disable_webhooks
4a43194 Move flowserver handlers into their own module
fc1fe73 Remove unused json tags
2ee95c6 Allow webhook calls to be mocked and add tests
754ed7a Allow engine config to be overridden in requests to the flowserver
f794ab6 Don't blow up if legacy stickies have floating point positions
de9b63b Merge branch 'master' into legacy_fixes
633e8a0 Update CLEAN() to match legacy behaviour
5572c8a More fixes when evaluating migrated legact template tests
b92b778 Rework legacy expression evaluator to not use X types
0a674f5 Fix migrating of expressions with @@ escape sequences
d46d902 Fix migrating of templates with errors (WIP)
8de464e Update for v0.10.2
9f90a09 Add test for migrating a ruleset with multiple rules with same category
37d6967 Drop requirement for input.uuid to be a valid UUIDv4 since it comes from msg.uuid which isn't always valid UUID4
662fbbf Update to latest goflow
f5c3071 Split /legacy/expressions.go into multiples files for clarity
02aa084 Update for v0.10.1
f08ba68 Update to latest gocommon
04962e8 Merge pull request #292 from nyaruka/errors
2478e14 Rename types.Repr to types.Describe
3c6343a Improve error messages on complex objects and add tests
020f1c6 Move min function to utils and add tests
1a5d953 Rename Repr() to Describe()
47e4269 Add XValue.Repr() so that values can describe themselves in error messages
931bb1b Improve parser error messages and add tests for error messages
d831e53 Update for v0.10.0
4188565 Merge pull request #291 from nyaruka/contact_actions
b8e2d73 Empty/blank values should clear name/fields/language/timezone
dc7f357 Split SetContactAProperty into new actions for name, language and timezone
f8d8605 Merge pull request #290 from nyaruka/better_error_messages
6eddb41 Coverage
62b0b8f Improve error messages from struct validation
dc9f517 Update for v0.9.10
351c55f Merge pull request #289 from nyaruka/timeouts
142556d Result input should be nullable if there is no input
7c087dc Add test for wait timeout
4de9025 Use now() in comparison with timeoutOn so that server time differences can't cause problems
b489926 Update test files (fixes runs ending with waits still active)
e4ded0c Don't let WaitTimedOutEvent be applied before wait has timed out
229d536 Fix HasWaitTimedOut test
3ea1524 Timeout rule should use timeout as value
a7b8a56 Waits should retain their timeout value
940c7fa Update for v0.9.9
bab80e6 Merge pull request #288 from nyaruka/num_parse_fix
6774c0d Use fuzzy number parsing for tests, stricter for type conversion
4f0ad5e Parse numbers from strings like "24ans"
4b0ac06 Merge pull request #286 from nyaruka/migrate_contact_name
6c8d863 Merge pull request #287 from nyaruka/ui_migration
74d9ad7 Merge branch 'migrate_contact_name' of into migrate_contact_name
fc3ffb6 add json descriptor
e4df5f6 Fix spelling of sticky
d953ed3 Migrate endpoint of flowserver can take include_ui param
738339a Add migration of notes
e824c40 Add flag to Migrate() for whether to include UI and add test for flow migration
c888ef4 Merge branch 'master' of into migrate_contact_name
1ea0330 Merge branch 'master' into migrate_contact_name
5c413e3 include contact name on migrate
8414d89 Update for v0.9.6
459896d Merge pull request #281 from nyaruka/fix_loc_tests
106e972 Migrate templates in legacy HasState and HasWard tests
a8db2db Merge pull request #279 from nyaruka/locations
1047fc8 Merge branch 'master' into locations
b650401 Merge pull request #280 from nyaruka/has_email
05a5ec3 Fix migration of has_email tests
790f191 Merge branch 'master' into locations
b0eefa0 Coverage
9b218de Coverage
1da6172 Update test files
fe76205 Merge branch 'master' into locations
d35648d Merge pull request #278 from nyaruka/jason
8c3d8c8 Coverage
0de69be Replace more usages of json.Marshal
5f39bdb Fix tests
4a6372f Add JSON util functions for marshalling without HTML escaping
d5bb92b Regenerate test files
6f0e038 Implement same location parsing logic as RP
b3dead7 FieldValue.TypedValue() should return LocationPath for location fields
1915c28 Move locations back into utils package
b55e923 Add support for looking up locations by path
3b6303c Update
fc0077b Merge branch 'master' into locations
f554a57 Use location paths instead of names in all tests
15f22d3 Merge branch 'master' into locations
c691bc9 Merge branch 'master' into locations
7f39596 Rename read_digits -> read_chars
82d9224 Merge branch 'legacy' into locations
752e81f Fix format_date should migrate to format_datetime
a2561a5 Remove FieldKey type and add format_location xfunction
3f1f8b2 Add support for searching for locations by path
03366cf Remove location IDs and add location paths
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.10 darwin/amd64
15ed81a Update for v0.9.5
4e33300 Update for v0.4.6
eb85f69 Add empty
896a75f Add fabfile and fabconfig to .gitignore
68c0bf0 Router test docstring examples should always include use of .match
3c7a528 Merge pull request #276 from nyaruka/ui_coords
82ef8be use left,top instead of x,y
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.10 darwin/amd64
1ba5e36 Merge pull request #275 from nyaruka/legacy
383ad1d Rename read_digits -> read_chars
d0fdd74 Add tests for format_location
ab870cb Punt on checking template evaluation in TestLegacyTests for now
a669da1 Text that all legacy expression tests can migrate (WIP)
4f9c0f9 Remove NULL as a token in legacy expressions
e30e1d2 Remove array support in legacy expressions
9f5d051 Add a separate grammar for legacy expressions that supports <>, TRUE() etc
f7336d7 Migrate TRUE() and FALSE() to true and false
f7a3f37 Coverage
4f46d72 Coverage
4605d19 Coverage
020e799 Coverage
d95ffa1 Coverage, rename conversion funcs to match recent name changes
25e10f7 Coverage
Automated with GoReleaser
Built with go version go1.10 darwin/amd64