Modification/update of Z80-MBC2 QP/M BIOS (S150918) to the Z80-MBC2 CP/M 2.2 BIOS (S030818-R120923).
See and for further information.
The updated file "BIOS QPM271 - S150918a.asm" is a very close line by line copy of the CPM BIOS R120923 asm file with the exception of the real time clock code addition. For Windows, Notepad++ with the compare plugin can be used to compare the CP/M vs QP/M .asm files and the resulting .lst files.
The resulting new QP/M DS1N00.DSK image has also been included. This image file was generated following the excellent instructions by "coopzone".
The primary objectives of the project are:
- Update to the latest version and features of the Z80-MBC2 CP/M 2.2 BIOS.
- Make future QP/M BIOS updates to the latest MBC2 CP/M 2.2 BIOS easier.
- The MBC2 CP/M 2.2 version of XMODEM now functions correctly under QP/M.
Here is the boot-up message on for the new QP/M 2.71 BIOS on the Z80-MBC2. The "A" on "S150918A" message line is the indicator that the new updated BIOS was loaded.
.... Z80-MBC2 QP/M 2.71 Cold Loader - S160918 Loading... done
Z80-MBC2 QP/M 2.71 BIOS - S150918A QP/M 2.71 Copyright 1985 (c) by MICROCode Consulting