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The nwcdraw Package

The nwcdraw package provides utility functions for use by an object's width and draw event methods.

The following functions are available in both the width and draw events:

calcTextSize getAspectRatio getFontSize getFontStyle
getMicrons getPageCounter getPageMargin getPageSetup
getSongInfo getStaffProp getSystemCounter getTarget
getTypeface intersectBeam isAutoInsert isDrawing isHidden
setFont setFontClass setFontSize setFontStyle

These remaining functions can only be used from the draw event method (when nwcdraw.isDrawing() returns true):

alignText barSegment bezier curve ellipse
hintline line lineBy moveBy moveTo
getPageRect opaqueMode rectangle roundRect setPen
setWhiteout strokeText text width xyPos
beginPath closeFigure endPath

About Drawing Coordinates

The draw event has a two dimensional, floating point, coordinate system relative to its current position in the staff. The point (0,0) is the base point for the object. The x dimension uses a notehead width resolution, much like the Spacer object. The y dimension uses a staff position system, which is the same as is used by Expression objects. A coordinate of (1.5, 2.0) would be one and a half noteheads to the right and two steps up the staff from the object's anchor position.

Package Details


This is a nwc.drawpos reference, initially bound to the current object.

nwcdraw.getAspectRatio(), returns #X-DividedBy-Y

This provides an aspect ratio that can be used to normalize the X and Y coordinates within the nwcdraw system.

local cx = 0.3
local cy = cx*nwcdraw.getAspectRatio()

nwcdraw.getMicrons([#Width],[#Height]), returns #XMicrons,#YMicrons

This can be used to measure a width and or height value and return the result in microns. Width and Height will default to 1.0 if not specified.

nwcdraw.getTarget(), returns 'Target'

This indicates the drawing target, which will be one of the following: edit, view, print, or selector.

nwcdraw.isDrawing(), returns Boolean or nil

This indicates if the draw event is currently active. If neither draw nor width is currently active, then this returns nil.

nwcdraw.isAutoInsert(), returns Boolean

This indicates if the current object has been automatically inserted at the start of the current system. When the drawing target is print, an auto-inserted drawing position will typically be at the start of the system staff. When in edit or view targets, the auto-inserted drawing position will typically be off screen (not visible to the user).

nwcdraw.isHidden(), returns Boolean

This indicates if the current object is hidden and will not be shown on the printed copy of the work.


This method can be used to set the current font for text to one of the predefined font classes, which include:

  • StaffSymbols, StaffCueSymbols
  • StaffItalic, StaffBold, StaffLyric
  • PageTitleText, PageText, PageSmallText
  • User1 through User6


This method can be used to set a new font for text. The Size is in Y coordinates, and can be negative to request that Windows match character height, rather than cell height. The Style is a string that may contain the following characters: 'b' for bold, 'i' for italic, and 'r' for regular text.

nwcdraw.getTypeface(), Returns 'Typeface'

This returns the current typeface that will be used for drawing text.

nwcdraw.getFontSize(), Returns #Size

Returns the current font size for drawing text.

nwcdraw.getFontStyle(), Returns 'Style'

Returns the current font style. The Style is a string that may contain the following characters: 'b' for bold, 'i' for italic, and 'r' for regular text.

nwcdraw.getPageMargin(@nwc.txt.PageMarginFields), Returns Value

This can be used to retrieve page margin properties.

nwcdraw.getPageSetup(@nwc.txt.PageSetupFields), Returns Variant

This can be used to retrieve various page setup properties.

nwcdraw.getSongInfo(@nwc.txt.SongInfoFields), Returns Variant

This can be used to retrieve properties found in File, Info.

nwcdraw.getStaffProp(@nwc.txt.StaffProperties), Returns Variant

This can be used to retrieve various staff properties.

nwcdraw.getPageCounter(), Returns #Number

This returns the current page counter. In edit mode, this always returns 1. When printing, this returns the target page number, starting with 1.

nwcdraw.getPageRect(), Returns #Left,#Top,#Right,#Bottom

During a printer-based draw event, this returns the left, top, right, and bottom coordinates of the current page, as controlled by the page margins. In edit mode, this just returns the bounding area of the current object.

nwcdraw.getSystemCounter(), Returns #Number

This returns the current system counter. In edit mode, this always returns 1. When printing, this returns the target system number, starting with 1.


This method can be used to replace the current Typeface for text. The remaining font attributes will remain unchanged.


This method can be used to change the size of the current font used for text. The remaining font attributes will remain unchanged.


This method can be used to change the style of the current font used for text. The remaining font attributes will remain unchanged.

nwcdraw.calcTextSize('MsgString'), returns #Width,#Height,#Descent

This method can be used to get the rendered size of the text. The #Descent is the distance to the baseline of the text.


This method sets the current alignment mode for drawing text. VertAlign must be one of 'top', 'middle', 'baseline', or 'bottom'. HorizAlign must be one of 'left', 'center', or 'right'.

nwcdraw.text('MsgString', [#RotationAngle])

This draws text at the current position, as set by a previous call to the nwcdraw.moveTo method. The text can be rotated around the current position using the #RotationAngle, which is specified from 0 to 360 degrees, with 0 as the default.

nwcdraw.strokeText('MsgString', [#RotationAngle])

This will render the text using the current pen. The #RotationAngle is the same as for nwcdraw.text.


The PenStyle can be one of 'solid', 'dot', or 'dash'. The ThicknessMicrons sets the line thickness in microns.


This turns on whiteout mode, where everything is drawn in the background color. When printing, this sets the drawing color to White. Specifying false in the function call will turn off whiteout mode.

nwcdraw.opaqueMode([true/false]), Returns boolean or nil

This controls the OPAQUE property for text. When enabled, text is surrounded by a background color. When disabled, text is drawn transparently into the staff.

When called without argument, this returns the current value for the OPAQUE property.

nwcdraw.xyPos(), Returns #X,#Y

This returns the current drawing position.


This moves the current starting position by the specified offset. Only the X offset is required.


This sets the current starting position for the next line. Only the X coordinate is required.


Using the current position, find the nearest intersecting beam, with Dir >= 0 looking up, or Dir < 0 looking down.

Set Grace to true to intersect with grace note beams.

When an intersect is found, the current position is updated, and returns Up or Down, followed by starting and ending coordinates for the beam.

local function drawBeamSegment(m,b,grace,dir,x1,l)
	local beamh = (grace and 0.5 or 1) * ((dir == 'Up') and -1 or 1)
	local y1 = m*x1 + b
	local x2 = x1+l
	local y2 = m*x2 + b
for dir=-1,1,2 do
	local beamdir,bx1,by1,bx2,by2 = nwcdraw.intersectBeam(dir)
	if beamdir then
		-- cx,cy is the intersect point
		local cx,cy = nwcdraw.xyPos()

		-- setup for y = mx + b
		local m = (by2-by1)/(bx2-bx1)
		local b = by1 - (m*bx1)
		-- draw a line from the intersect back home

		-- draw a short beam segment at the object's home location


This draws an editor only hint line. This will only appear when in the editor and Viewer Mode is not enabled. This method works the same way as the nwcdraw.line method.


This draws a line using the current pen. Only the first X coordinate is required, as the rest default to the current drawing position (set by nwcdraw.moveTo).


Similar to the moveBy function, this draws lines to offset positions, starting from the current position and using the current pen. Up to 6 offset coordinate pairs can be provided in a single call.

nwcdraw.barSegment('BarType',#Y1,#Y2), Returns #Width

This draws a bar segment in the same style as the standard bar lines. BarType should be one of nwc.txt.BarLineType. Y1 and Y2 determine the upper and lower end points for the bar segment. The calculated width for the segment is returned.

Note: Repeat marks are not drawn by this function, regardless of the requested BarType.


This draws a horizontal curve, starting at the current position and ending at the last point. The curve will be shaped over or under the intermediate (Xi,Yi) points. The PenStyle is the same as for the "line" action. The 'Direction' should be either 'Upward' or 'Downward'.

The last point's Y coordinate is optional, and will default to the current position if not specified.


This draws a bezier curve, starting at the current position. If X3 is omitted, then a quadratic bezier curve is drawn using (X1,Y1) and (X2,Y2), with Y2 defaulting to 0. If X3 is included, then a cubic bezier curve is drawn, with Y3 defaulting to 0 if not specified.


This draws a rectangle from the current position using the current pen. The (#Width,#Height) pair defines the relative position of the far corner of the rectangle.

For a square, one of the dimensions must either be normalized using nwcdraw.getAspectRatio, or not specified so it will be calculated based on the other dimension.


This draws a rectangle around the current position using the current pen. The (#X_Offset,#Y_Offset) pair defines the distance to the right and top edges of the rectangle.

The (#RoundingWidth, #RoundingHeight) pair define an optional major and minor radius used for rounding of the rectangle's corners.

For a square, one of the dimensions must either be normalized using nwcdraw.getAspectRatio, or not specified so it will be calculated based on the other dimension.


This draws an ellipse around the current position using the current pen. The #X_Radius and #Y_Radius are relative coordinates which define the major and minor radius for the ellipse.

For a circle, one of the dimensions must either be normalized using nwcdraw.getAspectRatio, or not specified so it will be calculated based on the other dimension.


This starts a new figure which should be captured as a new path. While rendering into a path, only the line, curve, bezier, rectangle, roundRect and ellipse functions should be used. When the figure has been constructed, you should use endPath to close and render the path.

The following will create and fill a triangle:

function fillTriangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)


This will close the current path figure by extending a line to the path origin. This function can only be used while generating a new path.


This closes and renders the current path. The RenderMode should be one of:

  • "fill" to alternately paint the figure's interior
  • "stroke" to render the figure using the current pen
  • "strokeandfill" to do both (this is the default)

nwcdraw.width(), Returns #Size

This return the staff width reserved for the current object.