The nwc
object provides initialization and debugging methods for use the NoteWorthy Composer plugin system. These include:
drawpos | ntnidx | |||
churnCount | churnRate | debug | memusage | |
getRunContext | hasTypeface | isset | rawget |
This is a constant string that indicates the build day of the current program, in the form YYYYMMDD. This is the easiest way to establish the API vintage of the current environment.
This is a constant that indicates the current version of nwctxt when written to a file. It should generallly indicate the current program version as well, but VERSIONKEY will uniquely identify the sepcific instance of a program version.
This is a constant that provides the user readable version text for the program.
This is a constant that uniquely identifies the current plugin API. It uses a series of version numbers, separated by dots, with each subsequent number being a more minor version indicator. There can be up to five version point release indicators, such as
This is the default instance of a ntnidx reference object. It is used to reference an existing notation object in a NWC staff.
This is the default instance of a drawpos reference object. It is used to reference an existing notation drawing position while running an object's width
and draw
nwc.getRunContext(), Returns 'context1','context2'
This returns a value pair that generally reveals the packages that are available in the currently running context. The returns pairs include:
Returns | Description |
init nil |
This is generally used while a script is being compiled and loaded into the NWC environment. The nwc package is available. |
obj edit |
This is the context used for the create , spin , onChar , and menuClick event methods. Available packages include nwc, nwc.ntnidx, and nwcui (except for spin ). |
obj fetch |
This is the context used for the menuInit and span event methods. Available packages include nwc and nwc.ntnidx. |
obj predraw |
This is the context used for the width event method. Available packages include nwc, nwc.ntnidx, and some parts of nwcdraw and nwc.drawpos. |
obj draw |
This is the context used for the draw event method. Available packages include nwc, nwc.ntnidx, nwcdraw and nwc.drawpos. |
obj vplay |
This is the context used for the transpose event method. Available packages include nwc, nwc.ntnidx, and read-only parts of nwcplay. |
obj play |
This is the context used for the play event method. Available packages include nwc, nwc.ntnidx, and nwcplay. |
nwc.hasTypeface('font-typeface'), Returns Boolean
This method can be used to identify if a particular font typeface is available on the system before trying to use it. For best performance, it is recommended that this action be done within the plugin startup code. When the plugin is running in the Viewer, this method will trigger a dynamic load of eligible typefaces.
nwc.isset(t,'PropertyName'), Returns Boolean
This method can be used to determine if an object property is currently defined in t
, which is passed into an object's event method.
nwc.rawget(t,'PropertyName'), Returns 'PropertyValue'
This method can be used to retrieve the raw property value in the object's property table t
. This method can be used to bypass the object's spec
table. This also works for ntnidx
user object refences.
nwc.memusage(), Returns Integer
This returns how much memory (in KB) is used by the Lua machine.
nwc.churnCount(), Returns Integer
This returns the count of new memory requests since the plugin engine was started.
Note that printing or displaying this number will often generate memory churn when the number is converted to a string.
nwc.churnRate(), Returns Number
This returns a ratio of memory requests versus plugin method calls. Lower numbers are better.
Note that printing or displaying this result will often generate memory churn when the number is converted to a string.
This directs a message to the debug console. You can also use print
to do the same thing.
This is a collection of commonly used text data types used by NoteWorthy Composer. It can be iterated by a script to discover all of its contents. The following script yields the contents for use in the nwcut
print('| nwc.txt | Contains |')
local typnames = {}
for typname in pairs(nwc.txt) do table.insert(typnames,typname) end
for i,typname in ipairs(typnames) do
print('| `'..typname..'` | ',tostring(nwc.txt[typname]),' |')
The plugin environment has slightly different contents, as shown here:
nwc.txt | Contains |
AttachLyricSyllable |
Default,Always,Never |
BarLineType |
Single,Double,BrokenSingle,BrokenDouble,SectionOpen,SectionClose,LocalRepeatOpen,LocalRepeatClose,MasterRepeatOpen,MasterRepeatClose,Transparent |
BoundaryTypes |
Reset,NewSize,Collapse,EndCollapse,Gap,NewSystem |
ClefType |
Treble,Bass,Alto,Tenor,Percussion |
DrawFillStyle |
fill,stroke,strokeandfill |
DrawPenStyle |
solid,dot,dash |
DrawTextAlign |
left,center,right |
DrawTextVAlign |
top,middle,baseline,bottom |
DynamicLevels |
ppp,pp,p,mp,mf,f,ff,fff |
DynamicVariance |
Crescendo,Decrescendo,Diminuendo,Rinforzando,Sforzando |
ExpressionJustify |
Left,Center,Right |
ExpressionPlacement |
BestFit,BestFitForward,AsStaffSignature,AtNextNote |
FlowDirTypes |
Coda,Segno,Fine,ToCoda,DaCapo,DCalCoda,DCalFine,DalSegno,DSalCoda,DSalFine |
ItemColor |
Default,Highlight 1,Highlight 2,Highlight 3,Highlight 4,Highlight 5,Highlight 6,Highlight 7 |
ItemVisibility |
Default,Always,TopStaff,SingleStaff,MultiStaff,Never |
Lyric2NoteAlignment |
Start of Accidental/Note,Standard Rules |
LyricAlignment |
Bottom,Top |
MPCControllers |
tempo,vol,pan,bc,pitch,mod,foot,portamento,datamsb,bal,exp,fx1,fx2,reverb,tremolo,chorus,detune,phaser |
MPCStyle |
Absolute,Linear Sweep |
MarkerTargets |
Articulation,Slur,Triplet |
MeasureNumStyles |
None,Plain,Circled,Boxed |
NoteConnectState |
None,First,Middle,End |
NoteDurBase |
Whole,Half,4th,8th,16th,32nd,64th |
NoteDuration |
Whole,Half,Quarter,Eighth,Sixteenth,Thirtysecond,Sixtyfourth |
NoteScale |
A,B,C,D,E,F,G |
ObjLabels |
Clef,Key,Bar,Ending,Instrument,TimeSig,Tempo,Dynamic,Note,Rest,Chord,SustainPedal,Flow,MPC,TempoVariance,DynamicVariance,PerformanceStyle,Text,RestChord,User,Spacer,RestMultiBar,Boundary,Marker |
OctaveShift |
None,Octave Up,Octave Down |
PageMarginFields |
Left,Top,Right,Bottom,Mirror |
PageSetupFields |
TitlePage,JustifyVertically,PrintSystemSepMark,ExtendLastSystem,DurationPadding,PageNumbers,StaffLabels,BarNumbers,StartingBar,AllowLayering |
PerformanceStyle |
Ad Libitum,Animato,Cantabile,Con brio,Dolce,Espressivo,Grazioso,Legato,Maestoso,Marcato,Meno mosso,Poco a poco,Più mosso,Semplice,Simile,Solo,Sostenuto,Sotto Voce,Staccato,Subito,Tenuto,Tutti,Volta Subito |
PlayMidiCmds |
noteOff,noteOn,keyAftertouch,controller,patch,channelAftertouch,pitchBend |
SongInfoFields |
Title,Author,Lyricist,Copyright1,Copyright2,Comments |
SpanTypes |
notes,syllables,bars,ticks,items |
SpecialSignatures |
Standard,Common,AllaBreve |
StaffEndBarLineType |
Section Close,Master Repeat Close,Single,Double,Open (hidden) |
StaffLabelStyles |
None,First System,Top Systems,All Systems |
StaffProperties |
Name,Label,LabelAbbr,Group,EndingBar,BoundaryTop,BoundaryBottom,Lines,BracketWithNext,BraceWithNext,ConnectBarsWithNext,LayerWithNext,MultiPartDotPlacement,Color,Muted,Volume,StereoPan,Device,Channel |
SustainPedalStatus |
Down,Released |
TempoBase |
Eighth,Eighth Dotted,Quarter,Quarter Dotted,Half,Half Dotted |
TempoVariance |
Breath Mark,Caesura,Fermata,Accelerando,Allargando,Rallentando,Ritardando,Ritenuto,Rubato,Stringendo |
TextExpressionFonts |
StaffSymbols,StaffCueSymbols,StaffItalic,StaffBold,StaffLyric,PageTitleText,PageText,PageSmallText,User1,User2,User3,User4,User5,User6 |
TieDir |
Default,Upward,Downward |
UserObjClassTypes |
Standard,StaffSig,Span |
UserPropValueTypes |
text,enum,bool,int,float |