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executable file
202 lines (132 loc) · 7.26 KB

drawpos References

This object enables reference access to different drawing positions on a visible staff.

A drawpos object must be declared during plugin startup intialization before it can be used in a draw hook. An existing instance is always available as nwc.drawpos.

Additional drawpos reference objects can be declared during plugin init via the new method:

local myDrawPos =

Any drawpos object can only be used in user,predraw or user,draw contexts. They are not active in any other context.

The following methods are provided by the drawpos object:

isAutoInsert isHidden reset
syllableCounter barCounter lyricSyllable width
xyAlignAnchor xyAnchor xyLyric xyRight
xyNoteAccidental xyNoteHead xyStemAnchor xyStemTip

All of the information retrieval methods from nwc.ntnidx are also supported.

Available Methods

This creates a new drawpos reference, which must be done during the plugin's init context.

All drawpos objects initially reference the current object when they are first used in an event hook.


This sets a drawpos reference back to the current target object.

{drawpos}:isAutoInsert(), returns Boolean

This indicates if the current drawpos object has been automatically inserted into the current printed system. This will only be true when the drawing target is print and the drawpos reflects some kind of signature data that has been automatically inserted into the printed system.

{drawpos}:isHidden(), returns Boolean

This indicates if the current drawpos object is hidden and will not be shown on the printed copy of the work.

{drawpos}:syllableCounter(), Number

This returns the lyric syllable counter for a note, or 0 for all other items.

{drawpos}:barCounter(), returns Number

This returns the bar count for bar items, or 0 for all other items.

{drawpos}:lyricSyllable(#LyricLine,[#Offset]), returns 'Syllable','Separator'

This returns lyric text (syllable and separator) attached to the current drawpos. The LyricLine number starts from 1.

This method cannot be used on positions that have isAutoInsert() as true.

Offset can optionally be used to get the current position's neighboring syllables. An Offset of -1 will return the text and separator just before the current position. An Offset of 1 will return the lyric text just after the current position. The lyric does not have to actually be visible in the current drawing canvas.

Returns nil for 'Syllable' if the #LyricLine does not exist, or the drawpos is not eligible for a syllable and no Offset was specified.

Returns nil for 'Separator' if none exists, such as for the last syllable and later empty syllables in a LyricLine.

{drawpos}:width(), returns #Width

This returns the width of the current drawpos.

{drawpos}:xyAlignAnchor([#Direction]), returns #X,#Y

This returns a boundary alignment coordinate for the object at {drawpos}. The optional Direction can be +1 or -1, which indicates the upper (+1) or lower (-1) boundary alignment position should be returned.

{drawpos}:xyAnchor(), returns #X,#Y

This returns the anchoring coordinate for the object at {drawpos}.

{drawpos}:xyLyric(#LyricRow), returns #X,#Y,['Alignment']

This returns the anchoring coordinate and alignment for a lyric syllable in the designated #LyricRow at this drawpos. The 'Alignment' will be either Left or Center.

If the current drawpos is not eligible for lyric text, then this function returns the X,Y coordinate in the lyric row just below the position. Alignment is not returned in this circumstance.

Returns nil if the #LyricRow does not exist.

{drawpos}:xyNoteAccidental([#NoteNumber]), returns #X,#Y,#AccIndicator

This returns the anchoring position for a target note's accidental in {drawpos}. The optional NoteNumber is used to indicate a member note in a chord. The AccIndicator is the ordinal value for the nwctxt character representation of the accidental, as shown below:

string.byte("#") -- sharp
string.byte("b") -- flat
string.byte("n") -- natural
string.byte("x") -- double sharp
string.byte("v") -- double flat

Returns nil when a note is not found.

{drawpos}:xyNoteHead([#NoteNumber]), returns #X,#Y,#GlyphIndicator

This returns the anchoring position for a target note head in {drawpos}. The optional NoteNumber is used to indicate a member note in a chord.

GlyphIndicator is the ordinal value for the nwctxt character representation of the note head. For example:

string.byte("o") -- indicates a standard notehead
string.byte("z") -- indicates a blank notehead
string.byte("x") -- indicates a X notehead

Returns nil when a note is not found.

{drawpos}:xyStemAnchor([#Direction]), returns #X,#Y

This returns the anchoring stem position for a note object at {drawpos}. The optional Direction can be +1, 0, or -1, which indicates the direction of the requested stem. An unspecified or zero Direction will return the dominant/default stem. If the current drawpos does not have a matching stem, then nil is returned.

{drawpos}:xyStemTip([#Direction]), returns #X,#Y

When a note object at {drawpos} has a stem matching the indicated Direction, then the stem's end-point coordinate is returned. As with the xyStemAnchor function, the optional Direction can be +1, 0, or -1, which indicates the direction of the requested stem. An unspecified or zero Direction will return the dominant/default stem. If the current drawpos does not have a matching stem, then nil is returned.

{drawpos}:xyTimeslot(), returns #X,#Y

This returns the anchoring timeslot coordinate for the note or rest located at {drawpos}.

{drawpos}:xyRight(), returns #X,#Y

This returns the right side edge coordinate for the position located at {drawpos}.