Real-time Twitter analytic dashboards and mapping with Apache Flink, Elasticsearch and Kibana.
- Track groups of users or hashtags and keywords.
- Real-time reporting of top hashtags, topics, influencers, retweets, links etc...
- User profile topics/hashtags/bigrams, demographic breakdown.
- Real-time mapping (including parsing of user profile location text to geo coords).
- Run standalone or within Flink cluster.
- Directly connects to Twitter API or can receive Avro encoded tweets over Kafka.
- Compatible with Amazon EC2 (Elasticsearch Service / EMR).
- Scala 2.11, Maven 3.x
- Elasticsearch / Kibana 6.2.x
- Flink 1.6.x (when running within a Flink cluster)
- Kafka 10.1 (optional)
- A Twitter developer account, register here
- Register a Twitter app to acquire consumer keys/tokens here
$ curl -L -O
$ tar -xvf tempest-streamer-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd tempest-streamer-1.0.0
Create configuration file with search terms and Twitter credentials:
$ cp conf/example.properies
$ vi
Example configuration file:
# Configuration example for a direct connection to Twitter
#Elasticsearch URL, if using an AWS ES service the port will always be 443
# Add credentials here
$ ./ --configFile
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:38 - Starting Tempest Tweet Streamer...
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - timeWindow = 1m
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - configFile =
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - twitter-source.tokenSecret = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - languages = en
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - searchTerms = barcelona,#fcb,#fcbarcelona,#CampNou
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - twitter-source.token = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - twitter-source.consumerSecret = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - twitter-source.consumerKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
2018-10-02 00:06:00 INFO MainApp$:31 - elasticUrl = http://localhost:9200
2018-10-02 00:06:03 INFO ElasticUtils:55 - Elasticsearch cluster status: yellow
2018-10-02 00:06:03 INFO ElasticUtils:74 - Ensuring Elasticsearch indexes
2018-10-02 00:06:03 INFO MainApp$:60 - Streams will window every 60s with parallelism of 1
2018-10-02 00:06:03 INFO StreamFactory$:44 - Creating stream from direct Twitter connection.
2018-10-02 00:06:03 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Hashtags - Windowed count of hashtags
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: TweetCount - Windowed count of tweet by type
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: ProfileTopics - Windowed count of user profile topics
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: ProfileBigrams - Windowed count of user profile bigrams
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Influencers - Windowed top 10 users by followers
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Gender - Windowed breakdown of user gender
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Source - Windowed breakdown of tweet app/device/platform source
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: GeoLocation - Windowed geo locations parsed from user profile location text
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Retweets - Windowed count of top retweets
2018-10-02 00:06:04 INFO MainApp$:81 - Adding result to stream: Links - Windowed count of tweeted weblinks
2018-10-02 00:06:07 INFO BasicClient:95 - New connection executed: flink-twitter-source, endpoint: /1.1/statuses/filter.json?delimited=length&stall_warnings=true
2018-10-02 00:06:07 INFO ClientBase:173 - flink-twitter-source Establishing a connection
2018-10-02 00:06:08 INFO ClientBase:240 - flink-twitter-source Processing connection data
Follow instructions to configure Kibana here.
$ git clone
$ cd tempest-streamer
$ mvn clean install