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Josh Fletcher edited this page Sep 6, 2024 · 5 revisions

LTS 2021 on Apple Silicon

If you see the following error when starting Nuxeo:

java.lang.InternalError: a fault occurred in a recent unsafe memory access operation in compiled Java code

Run the following to fix it:

docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --uninstall \* && docker run --privileged --rm tonistiigi/binfmt --install all

NB: the alias dockeremu has been added to to handle the above.

This needs to be done any time Docker is restarted.

Remove JAR Names from Log Output

Since LTS 2021 Nuxeo prints JAR file names in the log on each line. It makes the logs harder to read. You can disable this:

  • Edit init/log4j2.xml
  • Under "Preserve messages in a local file" add %ex after %m%n
  • Under "Append messages to the console" (SYSTEM_OUT) add %ex after %m%n

NB: there is an example log4j2.xml file in the examples folder that has these changes already implemented, just copy it to the init folder.

Updating TLS Support for Mail

Nuxeo Server defaults to using TLSv1.1 for email, however TLSv1.1 is disabled in Java 11 and later. Add this to your Nuxeo conf to fix it:


Manual Setup

In case something didn't work during

The first step is to check the ${COMPOSE_DIR}/.env file to make sure that the settings are correctly defined. Your Studio Project ID should be specified as APPLICATION_NAME and your Studio package should be included in NUXEO_PACKAGES or BUILD_PACKAGES. Check to make sure that the username and credentials are correct. If you do not see NUXEO_CLID in this file, you still need to generate a CLID (see blow).

Secondly, check your auto-generated configuration in ./conf/. Check system.conf to make sure that everything is correctly defined.

Generate CLID

If you do not have a NUXEO_CLID definition in your .env file, run the following:


$ ./

If you see any errors from running the script, fix the .env file and re-run the script. After the script runs, check the .env file again and you should now see a NUXEO_CLID entry.

Important Directories

  1. Compose home: the project directory created with the same name as your Nuxeo Studio identifier a. You’ll want to be in this directorie to start/stop/restart the services - this is also defined as ${COMPOSE_DIR}
  2. Configuration files: a. .env - contains the environment variables for the docker compose configuration b. Dockerfile - contains the build script for any custome docker images c. ./conf/ - contains various conf files that are appended to nuxeo.conf before startup