This project is a .NET Core application demonstrating integration with Elasticsearch.
- Getting Started
- Project Structure
- Configuration
- Running the Application
- Dependencies
- Contributing
- License
To get started with the project, you'll need to have the following installed:
- .NET Core SDK
- Docker (for running Elasticsearch)
- Elasticsearch
The project is organized as follows:
- src/: Contains the source code for the application.
- Controllers/: API controllers for handling HTTP requests.
- Models/: Data models used within the application.
- Program.cs: The entry point for the application.
- appsettings.json: Configuration settings for the application.
- appsettings.Development.json: Development-specific configuration settings.
- docker-compose.yaml: Docker Compose file to set up Elasticsearch and other necessary services.
- .vscode/: Configuration files for Visual Studio Code.
The application relies on Elasticsearch. You can run Elasticsearch locally using Docker. The docker-compose.yaml
file is provided to simplify this process.
To start Elasticsearch using Docker Compose, run:
docker-compose up -d
This will start Elasticsearch in a Docker container.
The application configuration is managed through appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json. Ensure that the Elasticsearch connection string is correctly set in these files:
"Elasticsearch": {
"Url": "http://localhost:9200"
Adjust the settings according to your environment if necessary.
To run the application locally, use the following command:
dotnet run --project src/src.csproj
- .NET Core 6.0 or later
- Elasticsearch
- Docker (for containerized Elasticsearch)
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes. Ensure that your code adheres to the project's coding standards.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.