Some example circuits written in VHDL for Terasic DE0-Nano FPGA board.
The easiest way to build these circuits is using make:
$ sudo apt install make
You will need to have the Quartus bin directory in your path, for example:
Some examples also require the GNU Z80 assembler to be installed:
$ sudo apt install z80asm
To build an example, change to the directory of the circuit and run make:
$ cd counter
$ make build program
This example defines a simple circuit to increment a counter every 100ms. The binary value of the counter is displayed on the LEDs.
This example runs a small program on a Z80 softcore microprocessor to blink the LEDs.
Even though the blink program is quite simple, the circuit must define the basic components of a computer in order to execute it. The circuit contains ROM, RAM, and a CPU.
This example loads some values into the SDRAM, and then reads the values back out again, displaying them on the LEDs.