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Nick Sherck edited this page Jun 18, 2017 · 3 revisions



pythonLMQ is a suite of tools surrounding the theory associated with the Linear-Quadratic Model. Currently the LQM suite only includes a least-squares fitting routine for experimental clonogenic cell-survival curves to abstract alpha and beta coefficients.

Figure uploaded 2017.06.18


  1. Input data into a text file named data.txt. Format should be two rows per experiment: row 1 is the delivered dose and row 2 is the measured surviving fraction. There can be as many experiments entered as necessary.
  2. The module needs to be imported, and then the function LQFit("Datafilename") can be called from the python shell.
  3. A figure is save for each fit, and a text document outputs the alpha and beta values for each fit in the same order as they were entered into the data file.
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