Monorepo for building re-usable component libraries with React and Typescript. We use Lerna which is a deployment tool for serverless monorepos that optimizes the workflow around multi-package repositories with Git and NPM.
- Lerna - Optimize workflow around multi-package repos with Git and NPM
- React - Building components for single page or legacy applications
- Typescript - Provides optional static typing, classes and interfaces
- Jest - Testing framework for React components
- Enzyme - Testing utility for React components
- Storybook - UI component developer tool for React
- Styled-components - CSS-in-JS for React components
- TSLint - Static code analysis tool for Typescript
- StyleLint - CSS Linter that helps to enforce conventions
- Prettier - Opinionated code formatter for Javascript
- Webpack - Module bundler for Javascript
- Yarn - Package Manager