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ecc6cdd · May 26, 2020


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May 24, 2020
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May 24, 2020
May 25, 2020
May 25, 2020

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iLO 5 supports the backup and restore of system configuration. The backup file is encrypted with a password. Backup and restore is implemented in backup.elf.

backup file format

0x90-byte header

offset type description
00 u32 magic value 0x42fa4c49
04 u32 0x101
08 u32 file size
10 u8[0x10] MD5 hash of content, see below
20 u32 1
30 u8[?] firmware version as string
50 u8[?] 'iLO 5 Backup file'
70 u8[0x10] MD5 hash of the password

content hash

The content MD5 sum is calculated by hashing 0x200 bytes of a repeating 0x00..0x4c pattern and the content of the encrypted backup file starting at offset 0x90.

    MD5_CTX ctx;
    char result[16];
    char buf[0x200];
    FILE *file = fopen("backup.enc", "r");

    for (int i = 0; i < 0x200; i++) {
        buf[i] = i % 0x4d;

    MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, 0x200);

    fseek(file, 0x90, SEEK_SET);
    while (fread(buf, 1, 0x200, file) != 0) {
        // NOTE: in case the last fread returns less than 0x200 bytes,
        // the hash is still calculated over the entire buffer
        MD5_Update(&ctx, buf, 0x200);

    MD5_Final(result, &ctx);


Starting at offset 0x90, five encrypted keys follow:

offset type description
+00 u8[0x40] salt
+40 u32 length of encrypted key, big endian
+44 u8[0x100] encrypted key
+144 u8[0x10] iv; it is the same for all five keys

The first key is derived from the BMC's chip id, the second and third from data from SMBIOS (if available), all remaining keys are generated from random data. There may be facilities to add custom keys.

For encryption, AES 256 CBC is used.

The first key is calculated by generating 0x40 bytes random salt, feeding it together with the chip id into OpenSSL's PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC and using its result's first 31 bits to initialize libc's rand(). A function to generate random bytes by calling rand()&0xff for every byte is set as OpenSSL's random number generator. Using this RNG, a 2048 bit RSA key is generated.

The 8-byte chip id is found at 0x01f20010 or via web interface at /xmldata?item=all in tags.

    RAND_METHOD ilo_rand = {


    char chip_id[16] = /* chip id */;
    char salt[0x40] = /* random data */;
    char pbkdf2_result[0x80];
    PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC(chip_id, 16, salt, 0x40, 0x2f59, EVP_sha384(), 0x80, pbkdf2_result);

    RAND_seed(pbkdf2_result, 4);
    RSA *key = RSA_generate_key(0x800, 0x10001, NULL, NULL);

iLO's rand() uses a LCG with 31 bits of internal state, yielding values between 0 and 0x78f0e07. It has an optimal period length of 0x78f0e079.

bool rng_seeded = false;
uint32_t rng_state;

void srand(unsigned int seed)
    rng_state = seed & 0x7fffffff;

int rand(void)
    if (!rng_seeded) {
        rng_seeded = true;
        rng_state = 1;
    rng_state = ((uint64_t)rng_state * 0x3aa8 + 0xf4627) % 0x78f0e079;
    return rng_state >> 4;


The encrypted backup file contents are gzip compressed and must start with these eight bytes: 1f 8b 08 00 00 00 00 00 This means that the contents must be deflate compressed, not contain the original file name, and not contain the timestamp of creation.

The decompressed contents are a packed series of the following structure:

offset type description
00 u32 magic value 0x42fa4c49
04 u32 0x101
08 u32 file length
30 u8[32] absolute directory path
50 u8[32] file name
90 file content

file list

iLO 5 firmware 1.40 knows the following files:

description directory filename flags
Firmware version i:/vol0/cfg version.bin 00000001
Serial Number i:/vol0/cfg eeprom.bin 00000003
License i:/vol0/cfg license.bin 00000001
LicenseCI i:/vol0/cfg lic_owner.bin 00000001
Network (kernel) i:/vol0/cfg nwcfg.bin 00000003
Security Manager i:/vol0/cfg secmgr.bin 00000001
Security CAC i:/vol0/cfg secmgrnk.bin 00000001
User DB i:/vol0/cfg cfg_users.bin 00000001
User DB Keys i:/vol0/cfg cfg_users_key.bin 00000001
User CAC i:/vol0/cfg cfg_cac.bin 00000001
AHS cfg i:/vol0/cfg blackbox.bin 00000001
AHS cfg (NAND) /mnt/blackbox blackbox.bin 00000001
Beacon cfg i:/vol0/cfg beacon.bin 00000001
iLO CFG i:/vol0/cfg ilo.bin 00000001
Webserver i:/vol0/cfg webserv.bin 00000001
RIB-CL i:/vol0/cfg ribcl.bin 00000001
SMSSO i:/vol0/cfg smsso.bin 00000001
SRV INFO i:/vol0/cfg srvinfo.bin 00000001
ROM PS i:/vol0/cfg rom_ps.bin 00000000
IPv6 ET0 i:/vol0/cfg ipv6_et0.bin 00000001
IPv6 ET1 i:/vol0/cfg ipv6_et1.bin 00000001
FSS i:/vol0/cfg fss_cfg.bin 00000000
AlertMail i:/vol0/cfg alertmail.bin 00000001
AlertMail EKey i:/vol0/cfg amail_ekey.bin 00000001
SecurEST i:/vol0/cfg securest.bin 00000000
DVI i:/vol0/cfg dvi.bin 00000001
USB VM i:/vol0/cfg usbvms.bin 00000001
rSYSLOG i:/vol0/cfg rsyslog.bin 00000001
LINKDET i:/vol0/cfg linkdet.bin 00000001
FW SCAN i:/vol0/cfg fw_scan.bin 00000001
CLI.BIN i:/vol0/cfg cli.bin 00000001
ERS PEM i:/vol0/cfg ers.pem 00000001
ERS REG TOKEN i:/vol0/cfg ers_reg_token.bin 00000001
ERS BIN i:/vol0/cfg ers.bin 00000001
ERS KEY i:/vol0/cfg ers_key.bin 00000001
ERS IML i:/vol0/cfg ersiml.bin 00000000
LDAP i:/vol0/cfg cfg_ldap.bin 00000001
DIRGRP i:/vol0/cfg cfg_dirgrp.bin 00000001
PWR i:/vol0/cfg pwr.bin 00000001
SNTPdn0 i:/vol0/cfg sntpsdn0.bin 00000001
SNTPdn1 i:/vol0/cfg sntpsdn1.bin 00000001
Timezone i:/vol0/cfg tz.bin 00000001
Key Manager i:/vol0/cfg keymgr.bin 00000001
CPU i:/vol0/cfg cpu.bin 00000000
SNMP CFG i:/vol0/cfg snmp.bin 00000001
SNMPD i:/vol0/cfg snmpd.conf 00000001
SNMPV3 i:/vol0/cfg snmpv3.bin 00000000
SNMPZ i:/vol0/cfg snmp_extn.z 00000000
RESTSERVER i:/vol0/cfg restserv.bin 00000000
Kerberos i:/vol0/cfg kerberos.bin 00000001
VSP i:/vol0/cfg vsp.bin 00000001
Server FQDN i:/vol0/cfg srvfqdn.z 00000001
HP SSO i:/vol0/cfg hpsso.bin 00000001
Random Pool i:/vol0/cfg random.bin 00000000
RIS Subscrbers? i:/vol0/cfg ris_subscr.bin 00000000
RIS Tasks i:/vol0/cfg ris_tasks.bin 00000000
RIS Tasks (DIMM) i:/vol0/cfg dimmcfg.bin 00000000
RDP i:/vol0/cfg rdp.bin 00000001
Server Signing i:/vol0/cfg srvsig.bin 00000000
MCTP i:/vol0/cfg mctp.bin 00000001
BMC cfg i:/vol0/cfg bmc_nvcfg.bin 00000001
BMC cfg2 i:/vol0/cfg bmc_nvcfg2.z 00000001
BMC PoH i:/vol0/cfg bmc_nvpoh.z 00000000
EH cfg a0 i:/vol0/cfg eh_nvcfg_a0.z 00000001
Virt. NIC i:/vol0/cfg vnic.bin 00000001
ROM IST Settings i:/vol0/cfg rom_ist.bin 00000001
IST Thresholds i:/vol0/cfg ist_sens_threshold.bin 00000001
IST data i:/vol0/cfg ist_cust_dura_samp.bin 00000001
IST data i:/vol0/cfg ist_1day_samples.bin 00000000
IST data i:/vol0/cfg ist_30m_1hr_samples.bin 00000000
SECERASE i:/vol0/cfg syserase.bin 00000000
Sec Dashboard i:/vol0/cfg secdbcfg.bin 00000001
EVs i:/vol0/evs evs.bin 00000001
Web SSL Cert i:/vol0/certs sslcert.der 10000101
WEB Certs i:/vol0/certs sslcsr.der 10000101
WEB Certs i:/vol0/certs tfacert.pem 10000101
ESKM i:/vol0/certs eskm_ca.pem 10000101
ESKM DER i:/vol0/certs sslcert.der 10000101
SSH Key i:/vol0/certs mp_sshkey.bin 10000101
LDAP Cert i:/vol0/certs ldapcacert.der 10000101
KRB5 Config i:/vol0/kerberos krb5.conf 00000101
KRB5 keytab i:/vol0/kerberos krb5.keytab 00000101
EV LOG i:/vol0/cfg evlog.bin 00000000
SMBIOS i:/vol0/cfg smbios.bin 00000000
SMBIOS .Z i:/vol0/cfg smbios_3.z 00000000
PowerAlloc i:/vol0/cfg rckmgmt.bin 00000000
Backup i:/vol0/cfg backup.bin 00000000
Login CFG i:/vol0/cfg logincfg.bin 00000001
CAC stuff /mnt/ilostore/certs 0cacert.der 00000101
CAC stuff /mnt/ilostore/certs 1cacert.der 00000101
CAC stuff /mnt/ilostore/certs 2cacert.der 00000101
CAC stuff /mnt/ilostore/certs 3cacert.der 00000101

The LSB of flags means that the file shall not be backuped.


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