Introduction: Welcome to U1, the completely failed project that, you, the reader is allowed to download and use on your own. It is not pretty, and commenting of the code is being worked on. The only API that you are not allowed to use on your own is Edge. Since it's a private API used ONLY for locked systems. If you want to use it; Ask for permission via the email found on the bottom of this file.
Usage: The usage of this software is up to you, As long as you don't post an exact copy of U1 on ComputerCraft forums and claim it to be yours, because then there will be a problem.
You are allowed to:
- Use this for personal use
- Re-skin or improve the appearance of the OS
- Add or delete code and customize it to your own liking
Requirements for posting the code base on CC forums:
- Project has to have been changed beyond conceivable recognition
- Project has to be licensed under the MIT license, see more under [License]
- Project has to finally be approved by Nothy (see contact email below)
License: This software is licensed under the MIT license (learn more here:
Lead programming - Nothy
Settings API - Vick
Contact email: (cringe-worthy, I know.)
Copyright (c) 2016 Linus Ramneborg